Suasana pengumuman Kandidat Mawapres Unpad di Bale Rucita Unpad, Selasa (17/05). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup) *

[, 17/05/2016] After first round of held at 3–4 May, five candidates for Outstanding Students (Mawapres) in university level was chosen The best five students are three students from Undergraduate program and two from Diploma program.

Suasana pengumuman Kandidat Mawapres Unpad di Bale Rucita Unpad, Selasa (17/05). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup) *
Director of Education, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr., Sp.A-K., M.Kes., during announcement of Mawapres Unpad candidates in Bale Rucita Unpad, Tuesday (17/05). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

The announcement of the best five students were delivered by Director of Education Unpad Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr., Sp.A(K), M.Kes. in Bale Rucita Rectorate Building Unpad Campus Jatinangor, Tuesday (17/05). The announcement was also attended by Coordinator of Mawapres Unpad Selection Dr. Yus Nugraha, M.A., Head of Academic Administration Bureau Drs. Sudarma, M.M., Mawapres Judges team, and representative of faculty and Mawapres participants.

For undergraduate program, three best students are Syafrida Hanum (FISIP), Shafira Nurhasina Rachmadenia (FEB), and Rizky Prabhani Ananda (FIB). Meanwhile two best students from Diploma Program are Teddy Cahyadi (FEB) and Yuliana (FMIPA).

Dr. Yus said that the first round of selection has included interview regarding academic paper, English competency, excellent achievement, and personality. The percentage of selection ratio is 30% for paper, 25% for achievement, 25% for English competency, and 20% for GPA grade.

“Personality is not quantified but became a decision point to see whether the participants deserved to move forward to the national level,” said Dr. Yus. The best five will participate in second round of qualification held in 21-22 May. This round will involve presentation and argumentation consolidation, writing scientific paper and summary, performance and personality, scientific behavior and attitude, and short video preparation.

This round will appoint two Mawapres of university level from Undergraduate and Diploma program to be then included in the national selection. Mawapres national selection registration is opened on May 25 until June 5.

In relation to the national selection, Dr. Yus said that there are several requirements that must be completed by Mawapres in university level, namely recaps of GPA for each semester, scientific papers, a summary of scientific papers in English, video presentation summary of scientific work with duration of 6 minutes, and 10 achievements/capabilities per each participant.

Specifically for scientific papers, Diploma level is expected to be a thought based on creation of creative and innovative products that can be copyrighted works, systems, models, prototypes, which can benefit the community. Meanwhile Undergraduate level scientific papers shoud be a result of scientific literature review writings that contain creative solutions to problems that are tailored to subtopics selection.

On the occasion, Prof. Budi said that there are some evaluations that must be considered by the Mawapres candidates. It is based on non-optimal Padjadjaran University in achievement at the national level.

Improved attitude of confidence, said Prof. Budi, became one of the critical success factors of Unpad representatives at the national level. “Unpad candidates have excellent achievement, but they most often are lacking confidence during presentation in front of the judges,” said Prof. Budi.

Non-academic ability could also be a decisive factor at the national level. Prof. Budi said that university outstanding students do not only have achievements in academics, but also in extracurricular activities. Moreover, the ethical aspects, the appearance and manner of speaking must also be considered. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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