SMA Lazuardi GIS and Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia Bogor Won Chemistry Fun Days Unpad 2016

Pelaksanaan Lomba Cerdas Tangkas Kimia Chemistry Fun Days di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor *

[] Chemistry Student Association Universitas Padjadjaran held The 13th Chemistry Fun Days (CFD) featuring various activities such as national seminar, quiz competition for high school, exhibition, and entertainment. This year CFD brought the theme of “Explore the History of Chemistry and be the Next Alchemist” and was held in Unpad Campus Jatinangor on 12-15 May 2016.

Pelaksanaan Lomba Cerdas Tangkas Kimia Chemistry Fun Days di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor *
The Chemistry Quiz Completion of Chemistry Fun Days in Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor *

On the first day, Chemistry and Chemistry Learning National Seminar with the theme of “The Development Of Chemistry to Improve National Competence“, the advancement of chemistry to support nation competition was held in Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor. This seminar invited several speakers, among others, Dr. Hendig Winarno, M.Sc (Head of Center of Isotope and Radiation Application National Nuclear Power Agency), Aritta Megadomani, S.Si and Lia Zalilia, M.T (Developer of Learning Technology Center of Development and Empowerment Education and Educational Staff of Natural Science) Prof. Dr. H. R. Asep Kadarohman, M. Si (Vice Rector I Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) and Prof. Dr. Toto Subroto (Lecturer of Chemistery Universitas Padjadjaran).

Both students and educators attended the seminar. In this seminar, there were also classes of speakers of chemical material, energy and the environment, natural materials and organic chemical synthesis, analysis and separation of chemical, biotechnology and bio-molecular, and chemical education.

Then on the second day the activity was continued with chemical expo and technical meeting for Chemistry Contest (LCTK). On May 14, the event continued by the quarter-final race of LCTK located in PPBS B Building Jatinangor along with technical meeting and presentation of scientific writing competition (ICI) in Bale Santika Unpad. On Sunday, May 15, 2016, semifinal and final LCTK was hosted and followed by announcement of the winner of LCTK and ICI.

cfd2016The winner for Scientific Paper Competition were:
1st place: SMA Lazuardi GIS tim A
2nd place: SMAN 1 Purwakarta
3rd place MAN Cipasung
4th place: SMAN 2 Cirebon
5th place: SMAN 3 Kota Serang dan poster terfavorit diraih oleh tim SMAN 1 Purwakarta.

For Chemistry Quiz Competition,
1st place: Sekolah Menengah Aanalis Kimia Bogor tim A
2nd place: SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong tim A
3rd place: SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan
4th place: SMAN 52 Jakarta tim A.

The activities of Chemistry Fun Days 2016 was ended with cabaret perfromance about the new found alchemists, which were the winners of CFD 2016.*

Released by Hima Kimia Unpad / eh

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