91 Candidates of Lecturer Non-PNS Unpad Participated in First Stage Orientation

Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia Unpad Diana Sari, S.E., M.Mgt., PhD., saat membuka kegiatan orientasi tahap pertama Calon Dosen Tetap Pegawai Universitas Padjadjaran NonPNS di Unpad Training Center Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Kamis (12/05). (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 12/05/2016] Candidate of Lecturer Non-PNS participated in first stage orientation held in Unpad Training Center Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Thursday (12/05) till Saturday (14/05). Participating in this orientation were 91 candidate lecturers Non-PNS from Category A and B.

Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia Unpad Diana Sari, S.E., M.Mgt., PhD., saat membuka kegiatan   orientasi tahap pertama Calon Dosen Tetap Pegawai Universitas Padjadjaran NonPNS di Unpad Training Center Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Kamis (12/05). (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)*
Candidate of Lecturer Non-PNS participated in first stage orientation held in Unpad Training Center Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Thursday (12/05) till Saturday (14/05). Participating in this orientation were 91 candidate lecturers Non-PNS from Category A and B.

Director of Human Resources Unpad Diana Sari, S.E., M.Mgt., PhD., said that the purpose of this orientation was to strengthen the understanding of prospective lecturers about the rights and obligations of Unpad Non-PNS employees. “This orientation is divided into two phases. Activities carried out this time is the first stage,” said Diana during the opening, Thursday (12/05).

For lecturer candidates in these two categories, said Diana, there would be possibility for accelerated appointment as Lecturer Non-PNS during the monitoring period if a recommendation from each department head was obtained.

“We have already sent a letter to each department head and faculty to provide recommendations as soon as possible. Maximum in the following three months. If they are recommended to be accelerated, it would be done in June at the earliest, “said Diana.

Furthermore, Diana stated that department head recommendations were based on the assessment conducted during the monitoring period in the study program. Since it was based on these recommendations, there was a possibility that not all candidates would be appointed in June. Therefore, the orientation of the next phase would be conducted for candidates who have been recommended for appointment.

“By dividing into two stages, the material presented would hopefully becomes easier to receive and not causing any information overload,” she explained.

In addition, this orientation was also held to reinforce variety of information that should be known by potential lecturers based on a valid source. Diana explained that although previously many who served in Unpad, many known information was not based on capable source.

Various materials would be delivered in this orientation, among others: Explanation regarding Government Employees with Work Agreement (PPPK) by Head of Planning State Employment Agency Agus Sutiadi, Writing Journal International of Social Sciences by Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business Unpad Arief Anshory, PhD., and Writing Journal Internation of Science by Director Research and Community Service Unpad Dr. Ayi Bahtiar.

Meanwhile materials for Friday (13/05) are Unpad-ness Material by Director o Governance and Public Communication Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, S.Sos., M.Si., and material from speakers of Human Resources State Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reformation, and Director HR Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education

Internation Journal Writing Material is part of the effort to implement Unpad Strategic Plan of 2012-2016 “To Become Research University and Provide Quality Service.” Diana said that with the strategic plan implementation, research and publication aspect have had already known to the lecturers.

“With this material, we hope the candidates could later proceed quickly with their duties.” said Diana.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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