Prof. Deddy Mulyana Awarded Anugerah Bintang Utama Aspikom Award 2016

[, 19/05/2016] Professor of Faculty of Communication Science Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Deddy Mulyana, MA., PhD., was awarded “Bintang Utama” (Five Stars) of Association Communication Science Education (Aspikom) Award 2016 in the 4th Congress of Aspikom held in Medan, North Sumatera, 10-13 May 2016. The awarding was witnessed by Acting Governor of North Sumatera, Ir. H. Tengku Eri Nuradi, MSi.

diesfikom-bukuprofdeddyProf. Prof. Deddy Mulyana, by the judges of Central Aspikom, was considered to have rendered a service to communication science and loyal to the field of science. The award was accepted by Dean of Fikom Unpad, Dr. Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, S.Sos, SH., MSi during the gala dinner held at Governor Office North Sumatera and was attended by Acting Governor of North Sumatera, Ir.Tengku Erry Nuradi MSi. Prof Deddy Mulyana was unable to attend the event.

Besides Prof Deddy, Dr.Fajar Junaedi, lecturer of Study Porgram Communciation Science UMY Yogyakarta also received an award in book writing. Fajar was considered as productive lecturer in terms of writing course book. Meanwhile Eko Harry Soesatyo,MSi from Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta awarded “Bintang Madya” for his productivity in writing scientific journal articles.

According to the Chairman of Aspikom Year 2013-2016, Dr. Atwar Bajari,MSi, no communication science scholar has awarded “Bintang Utama” for loyal intellectuals toward scientific science field.

“Prof Deddy is the first,” said Atwar who is also Department Head of Doctoral Program of Communication Science in Fikom Unpad.

In the year 2013, said Atwar, Fikom Unpad had received award as higher education institution that initiate the establishing of Aspikom.*

Released by Fikom Unpad (

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