These Future Physicians Ready To Serve in Regions After Graduation

[, 31/05/2016] The obligation to keep work contract in government agencies or private institutions that are in cooperation with Universitas Padjadjaran after graduation did not discourage prospective students choosing to enroll in Medical Education Program Universitas Padjadjaran, including those coming from outside West Java and are capable financially.

Fiki Amalia
Fiki Amalia

“If I were a doctor I must be ready to serve my country. It is not a problem. I am ready, “said Fiki Amalia, alumna of SMAN 10 Fajar Harapan Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam during the Unpad new students administrative registration 2016 from SNMPTN in Bale Santika Jatinangor, Tuesday (31/05).

Fiki Amalia is one of the students enrolled in Medical Education Program, Universitas Padjadjaran in 2016. An orphan with two younger siblings received Bidikmisi funding from the government so that in addition to not pay higher education expenses until graduation, she will also be given monthly living allowance from government.

“I choose Unpad because in my opinion it has the best Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia, as the most popular choice. I am aware of the work contract after graduation. It is not a problem for me even if I have to stay in West Java and not returning to Aceh because of work obligation,” said Fiki.

Hazel Faras Alhafiz
Hazel Faras Alhafiz

Meanwhile Hazel Faras Alhafiz, alumnus of SMAN 1 Padang Sumatera Barat, also said that he is ready for the work contract obligation. Hazel did admit that the no tuition facility in Faculty of Medicine Unpad served as an attraction even if Hazel is not a Bidikmisi participant.

“I choose Faculty of Medicine because it has become the ideals since my childhood. I choose Padjadjaran University because of the scholarship offer (exemption of tuition fees) so I would not burden my family, “said Hazel who is just 15 years and 7 months old.

With his age, Hazel is recorded as the youngest student of Unpad 2016 from SNMPTN. The firstborn with still in elementary school siblings was born on October 14, 2000. At the elementary and high school, he was enrolled in acceleration classes thus shortening his study.

“I did not expected to be admitted in Faculty of Medicine Unpad. It is said that of it was the most difficulty faculty to be enrolled. I was speechless. It turned out the rumor was not true. I was also shocked because I am the youngest here. Back in high school accelerated classes, there are some friends who are younger than me, “said Hazel.

Registrasi Mahasiswa Baru 12,tediPutri Nadhira Adinda Adriansyah also believes that the work contract after graduation of Faculty of Medicine is not a bad thing. Nevertheless, she admitted that work contract and the no-tuition was not the reason she choose Medicine Unpad.

“I aspire to be a doctor, and as it happened in Bandung there are families of mine. Moreover, Bandung is a comfortable place to study, “said alumna of SMAN 3 in Bogor born on March 4, 2000.

About work contract after graduation as the requirements for prospective students of Faculty of Medicine, Unviersitas Padjadjaran, Putri considered it positively and is ready to do so.

“I suspect many people are more interested in the work contract because we would get placement after graduation. For me it does not matter, especially if it is still in West Java, “said the girl who currently studies at SMAN 3 in Bogor in acceleration class.

Starting this year, Unpad elimiate all education fee for all new students of Medicine Education and Specialist. After graduation, they are obligated to go through work contract in institutions holding cooperation with Unpad, especially in West Java region.  *

Reported by Erman

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