National Education Day; “Let’s Work, Be Innovative and Competitive”

Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unpad Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A., sebagai Pembina Upacara Peringatan Hardiknas 2016 di Halaman Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Senin (2/05). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 2/05/2016] Welcoming National Education Day on May 2, reform of higher education became the work focus to face local, national, and global challenges. This process was the effort that has been done by two national education leaders, Ki Hajar Dewantara and Moh. Syafei.

Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unpad Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A., sebagai Pembina Upacara Peringatan Hardiknas 2016 di Halaman Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Senin (2/05). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs Unpad Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A., as head of Hardiknas Ceremony 2016 at Rectorate Building Jatinangor, Monday (2/05). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

The speech by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Prof. Mohamad Nasir was read as Speech of National Education Day 2016 by Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs Unpad Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A., during the Hardiknas ceremony 2016 at Rectorate Building Jatinangor, Monday (2/05).

Speech entitled “Let’s Work, Be Innovative, and Competitive” was read in the attendance of leaders, professors, lecturers, staff, and student representatives in Unpad. Reform of higher education that Menristek Higher Education included, are deregulation, flexible, learner-friendly and market share education provision, curriculum changes, provisions of lecturers, professors and academic staff of professional, institutional revitalization, strategic development of science, and education up-to-date with development of science and technology ,

Therefore innovative effort of higher education reform would produce competitive innovation and up the higher education competition in international level.

In the speech several achievements of Indonesia’s competitive on the world stage were mentioned. Based on the analysis of World Economic Forum in 2015, Indonesia innovation index reached 4.6 or 30 world rankings, while higher education innovation index is 4.0 or 60 world rankings.

“We still have to work in innovative ways to improve rankings for higher education in the innovation index to be ranked 56th in 2020,” said Dr. Arry.

Meanwhile on competitiveness index based on indicators of “higher education and training”, Indonesia experienced a downgrade to 65 in the period from 2015 to 2016 after previously being ranked 60 in 2014-2015. This condition indicated the necessity of higher education reform towards innovative and competitive.

Reform process required involvement of multiple parties. Cooperation between institutions of higher education, research, government, and private industry, as well as various other stakeholders were believed to be able to realize the reform process.

“The cooperation strengthens our capacity, being larger and better in technological innovation. Exchange of students and lecturers, research cooperation and scientific publications, should become a part of our education reform, “said Dr. Arry. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh            

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