Unpad Designed Knowledge Management in Institutional Memory Concept

Workshop Galeri dan Museum yang digelar UPT Perpustakaan Unpad di Unpad Training Center Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Senin (25/04). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 27/04/2016] Knowledge aspects become platform in drafting the concept of Universitas University as Institutional Memory. Aside from being intellectual property, this aspect also matters for decision making in running the institution organization. Therefore, knowledge management should be implemented seriously.

Workshop Galeri dan Museum yang digelar UPT Perpustakaan Unpad di Unpad Training Center Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Senin (25/04). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Gallery and Museum Workshop held by Library Technical Unit Unpad in Unpad Training Center Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Monday (25/04). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

The statement was made by Expert Staff of Ministry of Tourism RI, Gustaff H. Iskandar, during a session in Gallery and Museum Workshop held by Library Technical Unit Unpad in Unpad Training Center Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4, Bandung, Monday (25/04). Participating in the workshop were Team of Directorate Technolohy and Information System and library, museum and gallery developer of Unpad.

Stated in the release received by Unpad, this workshop was part of several previous workshops held by Library Technical Unit Unpad in relation with the need to conceptualize Unpad Institutional Memory. This concept suggested by Library Technical Unit is a design for future knowledge management in Unpad

Gustaff stated that in addition to library and archives unit, units that play a role in managing knowledge is museum and gallery. Despite its different functions, both have their role in storing of cultural treasure.

“What sets it apart from the others is that gallery only includes present or thematic product. Museum and gallery has a function to show products of civilization in an artistic way,” said Gustaff.

Relating to galleries techniques, availability of supporting space, for permanent exhibition halls, thematic exhibitions, technical, storage, and staff room and administration is needed. The necessary technical experts are expert curators, management programmers, IT supports, visual communication persons, and others.

Basic standard requirement and the support of university leadership are required to realize the idea. These standards are generally applied with slight difference in Unpad characteristic. This scale could also be extended to the scale of Jatinangor.

In addition to the standard, communication ability, marketing ideas, and the ability to display strategy are necessary.

At the end of his presentation, Gustaff emphasized the need for support in developing museum and gallery. Gallery and museum development needs to be supported since many agencies were involved in the development. He explained that museum and gallery space is needed as a place to develop tangible experience in the process of educational activities.

In this meeting, coordination between teams of DTSI Unpad and Dr. Ismail Fahmi as developer Indonesia One Search the National Library was held. This meeting was a follow up of a previous workshop on institutional repository development in Universitas Padjadjaran.*

Released by: UPT Perpustakaan Unpad/am


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