Unpad Also Supported Bhakti Kesra Nusantara 2016 Expedition to NTB, Maluku, and Papua

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unpad, Dr. Ir. Reginawati Hindersah, M.T., salah satu anggota tim Ekspedisi Bhakti Kesra Nusantara 2016 (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 25/04/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran became supporting university for Bhakti Kesra Nusantara Expedition 2016 held by Ministry of Coordination Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) 30 April-29 May. 8 students, 5 alumni, 5 lecturers, and 2 Unpad partners would be participating in this sailing expedition.

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unpad, Dr. Ir. Reginawati Hindersah, M.T., salah satu anggota tim Ekspedisi Bhakti Kesra Nusantara 2016 (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Reginawati Hindersah, M.T., one of the Bhakti Kesra Nusantara Expedition 2016 team members (Photo by Dadan T.)*

This expedition is supported by 38 government and private institutions, NGOs, the military, banking sector, and Universities with total number of members of 200 people. The expedition aimed to increase capacity of community and unity in the remote islands in Indonesia.

The expedition route would cross four islands in eastern Indonesia, namely Bajo Pulo (West Nusa Tenggara), Wetar (South West Maluku) Saumlaki (Maluku Southeast West) and Kaimana (Papua) with total mileage of 3,668 km. This expedition will use the Indonesia Navy’s KRI Banda Aceh.

Lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture Unpad who becomes one of the expedition team members Dr. Ir. Reginawati Hindersah, M.T., said that several activities would be held by Unpad during the event: community service program, introducting Sundanese culture. At every island, Team Unpad would play angklung with the people.

Community service programs included training of hydroponic farming, book delivery, construction of reading houses and library optimization, providing shoes and school uniforms, as well as entrepreneurial training. Several of parties involved in the book donation program are Asian Foundation, Mizan, Kebukit, Rumah Baca Pelangi (Nila Tanzil), Gagas Ceria, Omahsinau and Litara Foundation.

As for research activities, the team would conduct an inventory of various local potentials in every island. This research involved interdisciplinary professors Universitas Padjadjaran and lecturers from University of Mataram, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Universitas Pattimura, and Universitas Papua. Other research would include engineering design for coastal tourism on Matakus and Kaimana islands.

“We included academics from closer region university. These academics are alumni or those who have had training in Unpad, “said Reginawati to HR Unpad on Monday (25/04).

Reginawati said that potential characteristics in the four of the island are very diverse. On Pulo Bajo local potential defined characteristic included agriculture. In 2015 this island suffered from a fire, which destroyed more than 200 houses.

On Wetar and Saumlaki islands there are potential in mining, fisheries, and agriculture. Saumlaki Island is Mentioned in the discourse associated with onshore refinery gas potential in Masela block. Meanwhile Kaimana island has potential in the fisheries sector and tourism.

The results of the inventory would be a reference for Unpad lecturers to conduct research or community service program. Inventory is both a beginning step development of Development Research Center of East Indonesia which will be opened by Unpad.

This inventory is to enrich research fields in Unpad. She explained that many applied research are often not suitable to be applied in the region. “Various logic has not been explored by our researchers. This would be an opportunity for Unpad researchers to produce research to be applied in the field/specific regions, “said Reginawati.

Furthermore, she who often conducted research in Maluku region’s said that this expedition to the four island is very important. In terms of social, Maluku region has minimal acculturation. This process, said Reginawati, became the basis of the progress of a region.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh


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