After Rectorate, SOP Technical Assistance Was Conducted for Faculty and Graduate School

[, 22/04/2016] In effort to disseminate Planning Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of Faculties and Graduate School in Universitas Padjadjaran, Division of Governance, Administration, Law Unpad held “Socialization and Technical Assistance of Planning Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Faculties and Graduate School Universitas Padjadjaran” at Bale Rucita Rectorate Building Universitas Padjadjaran campus Jatinangor, Friday (4/22).

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The event was attended by Managers of Governance and Resources, Head of Administration and Head of Subdivision Faculties and Graduate School in Universitas Padjadjaran and opened by Vice Rector of Governance and Human Resources Unpad, Dr. Sigid Suseno , SH., MH. On the previous week , the similar technical assistance session was held for those in Unpad Rectorate Office.

In his speech, Dr. Sigid conveyed the importance of an organization’s own SOPs and how under each Director, minimum of 10 SOPs was expected. “Under a Director should own a minimum of ten SOPs, yet the minimum still has not been reached. To plan SOP cannot only be done by a team of SOP but it must be done together with colleagues who handles the every day details, “he said.

The event featured speakers Dr. Nandang Alamsyah, SH., MH., Bonti, S.SIP., M.AP., and Asep Sutiadi, S.Sos., M.Si., as Associate Team of SOP Planning Universitas Padjadjaran. In the first session, moderated by Dra. Heni Suryaningsih, M.Ikom, Dr. Nandang Alamsyah, S.H., M.H., explained the Regulation of Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reformation Republik Indonesia Number 35 year 2012 .

“Previously, SOP planning referred to Regulation of Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reformation Republik Indonesia Number 52 year 2011,” said he. Dr. Nandang added that the previous regulation applied more complicated symbols, meanwhile the recent regulation is much simpler.

Dr. Nandang also explained steps of Faculties and Graduate School SOP Planning. The event was closed by Technical Assistance of SOP Planning directed by Bonti, S.Sip., M.Ap., and Asep Sutiadi, S.Sos., M.Si. *

Reported by Winda Eka Putri / eh

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