Pengurus Lises Unpad dan anggota baru yang mengikuti kegiatan Bale Rancagé XXXIII *

[, 5/04/2016] Student Art Unit (UKM) Lingkung Seni Sunda (Lises) Universitas Padjadjaran held events of Bale Rancagé XXXIII. This annual event is part of new students admission in Lises Unpad.

Pengurus Lises Unpad dan anggota baru yang mengikuti kegiatan Bale Rancagé XXXIII *
Lises Unpad committee and their new members participating in Bale Rancagé XXXIII event*

Two series of activities in Bale Rancagé XXXIII are Open House held on March 7 and training of new members at 8-15 March. At Open House event the theme was “Sunda Ti Ka Bihari Kiwari”. The event featured experience speakers, graduates of Lises Unpad, to fill the cultural discourse. Dian Hendrayana, Ro’i and Sali Iskandar were among them.

After Open House, prospective new members or so-called baranyai Lises Unpad followed training of gamelan theory and practice, dance theory and practice, and and course of make-up and costumes. The courses are presented by Lises garaduate who are now professionals, Kang Itet and Teh Inonk.

After series of training, the 185 participants joined the final event Bale Rancagé XXXIII, Pagelaran Alam held in Studio of Research Training and Development of Agriculture (SPLPP) Unpad in Arjasari village, Kab. Bandung. With concept of past Sunda kingdom, baranyai were asked to do a performance art in any form, of Sundanese poetry or dance. In the performance, Baranyai was given a variety of materials on each post that is provided or in Bahasa Sunda called “ngalingling”.

Lises Unpad hoped with acceptance of Lises Unpad members they can become loyal and responsible members, not only to the organization but also to themselves. *

Release by Lises Unpad/am

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