(Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 11/04/2016] Many people believed hypnosis is related to magic, myth, or mystery, in which a person exposed to hypnosis can lose consciousness or behaving out of control. But in fact, hypnosis is a scientific study.

(Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Left to right: Dr. Nani Damayanti, Dr. Dian Ekawati, and Gilang Yubiliana, drg., MKes., as speakers in Vivat Academia Seminar with theme “Hypnosis in Five Knowledge Brances Perspective” in Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Monday (11/04). (Photo by Dadan T.)*

In Vivat Academia Seminar held in Bale Sawala Rectorate Building Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor, Monday (11/04), discussion revolved around hypnosis in five brances of knowledge from Communication, Physic, Psychology, Linguistic and Health. The seminar was opened by Director of Research and Community Service Dr. Ayi Bahtiar, Msi. and was attended by Unpad Lecturers who studied hypnosis, namely lecturer of Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) Dr. Antar Venus, MA Comm., lecturer of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Dr. Andri Abdurochman, S.Si., M.T., lecturer of Facutly of Psychology Aulia Iskandarsyah, M.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., lecturer of Faculty of Arts Dr. Dian Ekawati and Dr. Nani Damayanti, and lecturer of Faculty of Dentistry, Gilang Yubiliana, drg., M.Kes.

In the event, Dr. Venus said that the essence of hypnosis is communication. Hypnotic itself is a process of sending a verbal message, which is instructive, participative, repetitive, and imaginative to provide suggestion to the recipients of the message.

“Hypnosis is a form of communication, involving expression and perception,” he said.

Dr. Venus commented on the lack hypnosis research in Indonesia, particularly from studies of Communication. He said research on hypnosis from Communication Studies viewpoint has been done in a number of countries.

Meanwhile, Dr. Andri explained that in Physics, model of conducting hypnosis is formulated in “presentation” or evaluation. He explained that Physics is a basic science that can observe the natural conditions in general, one of which is human.

A person who is hypnotized can be measured, through his brain waves. Dr. Andri said, the best time to provide suggestions on someone is when the person is in the theta waves state. “During theta, a person is in extreme relaxation. At the time it was very good to provide suggestion, “he explained.

Antar Venus,
Aulia Iskandarsyah, PhD., Antar Venus, Dr. Andri Abdurochman, SSi., MT (Photo by Dadan)

In terms of Linguistics Sciences, Dr. Dian and Dr. Nani described the results of their research in pragmatic and conversation study. They revealed that language used in hypnosis is usually structured. In terms of style, climax, parallelism, antithesis, and repetition language styles are usually used. In terms of speech acts, the types used are assertive (stating), directive (ordering), and expressive (praising).

Another speaker, Dr. Aulia revealed that hypnosis is an everyday phenomenon, including in the health sciences. In the health sciences, hypnosis is also known as part of the behavioral medicine. “behavior suggestion can be a cure,” he said.

Hypnosis in health sciences has also been practiced by drg. Gilang. She reveals that with dental hypnosis it is more effective in reducing patient anxiety and support the recovery compared to sedation.

“The process is in biology transduction process hypnodontic communication,” she said.

Drg. Gilang explained that hypnodontic communication is a set of words strung together into sentences and equipped with specific linguistic strategy that aims to bring the patient becomes more relaxed and not feel pain during medical action.

“The more relaxed, the threshold of tolerance of patients to dental anxiety can be greater to reduce pain,” she said.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh  

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