Unity Formed by Focus on Not Only Faculty But Alma Mater

Kiri ke kanan: Ketua Ika Unpad, Sapta Nirwandar, Ketua MWA Unpad, Rudiantara, Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dan moderator Slamet Usman, MSi., saat sarasehan bertema “Kontribusi dan Peran Strategis Unpad dalam Pembangunan Indonesia” di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor, Sabtu (16/04). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 16/04/2016] Alumni Association (Ika) Universitas Padjadjaran held Grand Reunion and Council Meeting IX in Jatinangor Campus, 16 and 17 April 2016. One of the main agenda for the event is the election fro Ika Unpad Chairman for the year 2016–2020.

Kiri ke kanan: Ketua Ika Unpad, Sapta Nirwandar, Ketua MWA Unpad, Rudiantara, Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dan moderator Slamet Usman, MSi., saat sarasehan bertema “Kontribusi dan Peran Strategis Unpad dalam Pembangunan Indonesia” di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor, Sabtu (16/04). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Left to right: Chairman of Ika Unpad, Sapta Nirwandar, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Unpad, Rudiantara, Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, and moderator Slamet Usman, MSi., during workshop entitled “Unpad Contribution and Strategic Roles in Development of Indonesia” in Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor, Saturday (16/04). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

With the theme “Hayu Ngahiji” (Let’s Be One) Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad said that alumni is one of the important components of Unpad. Therefore alumni activities are expected to suggest a variety of ideas in order to be able to contribute better to the nation.

“The soul of Unpad is the public servants, nation builder. This activity is a best momentum to re-strengthen our identity to serve the nation, “said Rector during the opening at Bale Santika Unpad Campus Jatinangor, Saturday (16/04).

Attending the opening ceremony were Chairman of the Board of Trustees present Rudiantara, MBA., Chairman of Ika Unpad Nirwandar, Advisory Council and board Ika Unpad, the 7th Unpad Rector Prof. Dr. Yuyun Wirasasmita, M.Sc., leadership and deans of faculties in Unpad, invited guests, and representatives of alumni and academic community.

Besides Grand Reunion and Council Meeting, this event was filled by a series of other events, including a Workshop entitled ” Unpad Contribution and Strategic Roles in Development of Indonesia” featuring Rector, Chairman of the MWA, and the Chairman of Ika Unpad as speakers as well as Job Fair 2016.

Further in the workshop Rector said along with the official state university as legal entities status, Unpad no longer prioritize in alumni waiting period before employment, education efficiency figures, or the number of international publications.

“The most important indicators is how important a university, with its alumni, within the macro-economic and cultural development,” said Rector.

To achieve this goal, Sapta said each alumnus had to build social cohesion. This cohesion will arise if alumnus is no longer faculty oriented, a condition that has not been seen from Unpad alumni.

“Synergy between faculty will be excellent,” said Sapta.

With diverse scientific potential, Unpad graduates synergy is expected to encourage government programs strengthening. This was stated by Rudiantara who is also the current Minister of Communication and Information. According to him, government-run programs require many contributions from various parties.

“Unpad Alumni are expected to create planning and controlling program for government-run programs,” said Rudiantara.

In relation with grand reunion activities, Rector expects faculty leaders can also inform any changes that occur in Unpad.

Council Meeting will discuss several authorities, including determination of AD/ART, formulation of work program outline, as well as electing Ika Unpad Chairman and determination of various other decisions.

The leadership race will be held on Sunday (17/04) at the meeting. Sapta said alumni participation in this election will reach to 5,000 people. There are three candidates for Chairman of Ika Unpad 2016-2020, namely Hikmat Kurnia, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, and Yuddy Chrisnandi. *

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh

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