Ika Unpad Komda Lampung Featured Menkominfo and Governor of Lampung

Gubernur Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo (kiri) dan Menteri Komunikasi & Informatika Rudiantara (Foto oleh: mrf_info)*

[Unpad.ac.id/23/04/2016] Lampung Regional Commissariat of Alumni Association Universitas Padjadjaran (Ika Unpad) organized national seminar entitled “Utilization of Information Technology, Electronification, and Communication in Improving Village Competitiveness ” at Auditorium of Bank Indonesia Lampung office, Friday (4/22).

Gubernur Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo (kiri) dan Menteri Komunikasi & Informatika Rudiantara (Foto oleh: mrf_info)*
Governor of Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo (left) and Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara (Photo by mrf_info)*

The national seminar featured Unpad alumni as speakers, among others, Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, Governor of Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo, and Executive Director of Head of Regional Department Bank Indonesia Sumatra, Dian Ediana Rae. Also attended the event was Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad.

During the event, Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara explained government’s determination to continue expanding information technology penetration in remote villages across Indonesia. The villagers hopefully could use these facilities to improve their welfare and advancing village development.

Meanwhile Governor of Lampung M. Ridho Ficardo appreciated the information technology that would reach further to villages and support farmers and fishermens well. Ridho directly instructed his regional staff leaders to support this government program and apply it for their regional advancement.*


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