Directorate of Cooperation Unpad Held Workshop of Cooperation SOP Planning

Foto bersama saat pelaksanaan Lokakarya Bidang Kerja Sama di Unpad Training Center Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4 Bandung*

[, 29/04/2016] In order to discuss various rules and procedures related to areas of cooperation, especially regarding the process of establishing cooperation, official travel arrangements and matters regarding immigration, Directorate of Cooperation Unpad held a Cooperation Workshop 2016 at Unpad Training Center, Jl. Ir. Haji Juanda 4 Bandung, Wednesday (27/04).

Foto bersama *
Photo during Cooperation Workshop at Unpad Training Center Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4 Bandung*

This workshop was opened by Vice Rector of Research, Community Service, Cooperation, Innovation and Business Dr. Keri Lestari, M.Si., Apt.., and attended by Director of Cooperation Parikesit, Ph.D and Director of Finance Dr. Cahya Irawady, SE., MSi., Ak.

In her speech, Dr. Keri Lestari said that “Regulations of cooperation are required in order to provide certainty and ease in working units in Unpad regarding cooperation with various parties, as well as management procedures of abroad official trips and management of immigration needed to support the internationalization of Unpad.”

Dr. Keri Lestari also added that in a broader context, this workshop implementation was highly relevant to Unpad efforts to be part of ‘the third generation university’, in which Unpad determined to carry out its role as knowledge hub based on academic excellence and providing a good influence to the community.”

IMG_9777In his explanation, Director of Cooperation stated that results of this workshop would be submitted to Directorate of Governance and become the Standard Operating Procedure as reference for their respective work units in Unpad.

The workshop was attended by Faculty Managers in Unpad. The event was opened by presentation of Dr. Cahya Irrawaddy, Director of Finance on the budget flow in Unpad, especially for cooperation aspect, as one of the basic reference and input to rules and procedures in the activities of the Directorate of Cooperation.

The workshop continued with discussion of procedures that have been made by Directorate of Cooperation, divided into three groups: 1. Cooperation Regulations; 2. Procedure for Official Overseas Travel Arrangements and Procedures, and; 3. Management of Immigration. The workshop was ended with group presentation regarding established procedure by Directorate of Cooperation and the proposed addition to the procedures that have been made.*

Reported by Directorate of Cooperation / eh

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