Sukabumi Mayor: SAKIP Shows Public Trust to Government

Wali Kota Sukabumi, H. Mohamad Muraz, S.H., MM, saat menjadi narasumber pada kegiatan Unpad Merespons bertema "Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah" di Executive Lounge Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Kamis (24/03). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 24/03/2016] Government Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) has become an interesting discourse post bureaucratic reform in 1999. The system is a challenge for local governments to implement performance not only fixated on the final budget, but for it to present tangible results to the public.

Wali Kota Sukabumi, H. Mohamad Muraz, S.H., MM, saat menjadi narasumber pada kegiatan Unpad Merespons bertema "Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah" di Executive Lounge Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Kamis (24/03). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Sukabumi Mayor, H. Mohamad Muraz, S.H., MM, as speaker at Unpad Responding event of “Local Government Performance” in Executive Lounge Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Thursday (03/24). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

Professor of Public Administration in Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Dr. drs. H. Budiman Rusli, M.S., said that the spirit of reform has support the utilization efforts of clean, professional, and responsible apparatus.

“The orientation of the input focusing on the amount of budget absorption should be abandoned. Good governance should be a results-oriented one, “said Prof. Budiman at Unpad Responding event of “Local Government Performance” in Executive Lounge Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Thursday (24/03).

Besides Prof. Budiman, this event featured Sukabumi Mayor H. Mohamad Muraz, S.H., MM, and Professor of Public Administration FISIP Unpad, Prof. Dr. Dede Mariana, M.Si., with Dr. drs. H. Entang Adhy Muhtar, M.S, The Head of Program Study Public Administration FISIP Unpad as moderator. Also attending were several professors from Unpad Professor Board.

Implementation of SAKIP was realized through Government Agencies Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP). According to Prof. Budiman, LAKIP illustrated the performance achieved by a government agency for the implementation of programs and activities funded by APBN/APBD and service-oriented society.

He also hoped the implementation of a consistent LAKIP could create effective and efficient government administration in order to realize the goal of good governance.

Meanwhile, Muraz explained the application of SAKIP in Sukabumi. According to him, SAKIP as part of efforts to achieve good governance. Moreover, the existence of SAKIP is part of one of consequences of the implementation of regional autonomy in Indonesia.

“One of the benefits SAKIP is to see the public trust in the government,” added Muraz who was alumni of Unpad Postgraduate program.

On the aspects of SAKIP application, local authority was awarded SAKIP since 2010 up to 2014, successively in the national level first position with the category from “CC” to “B”. In 2015, the local authority was ranked second after Bandung municipal government who has learned from Sukabumi.

Another accomplishment achieved performance of the local authority was obtaining unqualified opinion (WTP) on LKPD of Sukabumi 2014 and receiving award for the best national Procurement Services Unit in 2015.

Muraz continued that in order to present good SAKIP Sukabumi utilized eight strategies. One of them was to establish Mayor Regulation No. 18 of 2013 on Guidelines for Government Performance Accounting System in Sukabumi.

“Sukabumi is not rich in natural resources area. However, it is a remarkable achievement, “said Prof. Budiman appreciating the performance of the local authority.

Prof. Dede explained the LAN research results to the Provincial Government Performance Before and After Autonomy Policy. This study showed the division into four quarters. This study also could assess the financial capability index to the Human Development Index.*

Reported by Agi Kurniasandi & Maulana / eh

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