First Position in Unpad, 6,088 of SNMPTN 2016 Participants Selected Medical Education

[, 17/03/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran Study Program which has the largest applicants in the National Selection of State Universities (SNMPTN) in 2016 is Medical Education with 6,088 applicants. After Medical Education, there were Pharmacy with 3,547 applicants, Management with 3,449 applicants, Communication Science with 3,261 applicants, and Nursing with 3,139 applicants.

logo-snmptnVice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Arry Bainus, MA released this statement this at the Rector Building Jatinangor, Wednesday (16/03). The overall number of participants who have enrolled for Unpad at SNMPTN 2016 are 60,425 participants from all around Indonesia. There was a decrease from the number of applicants to the Unpad SNMPTN last year, of 74,159 applicants.

“Medicine Education had a very significant and incredible increase” said Dr. Arry.

According to him, very significant increase in applicants is likely caused by a policy of Padjadjaran to eliminate Single Tuition (UKT) for Medical Education. Furthermore, Dr. Arry explained that many courses at Padjadjaran University received more than 1,000 applicants. For example, Agribusiness, Agro Technology, Accounting, Economic Development, Business Administration, Public Administration, International Relations, Law, Governance Studies, Animal Husbandary, Management Communication, Dentist Education, Psychology, English Literature, Statistics, Geological Engineering, Information Engineering, Technology food, and Television and Film.

“Thankfully Universitas Padjadjaran applicants are above the overall quotas,” he said.

Although dominated by applicants from West Java, of 40,989 people, Dr. Arry revealed that Unpad applicants came from a number of regions in Indonesia. The rest of the applicants came from Jakarta (3,799), Banten (2,014), Central Java (1,800), North Sumatra (1,513), and West Sumatra (1,443).

According to Dr. Arry, the high numbers of applicants of Unpad showed public trust in education at Universitas Padjadjaran. With the high number of applicants, it is expected that Unpad can choose qualified students.

“They trust Unpad, meaning that they see that education in Unpad is promising. Of course, we maintain a standard (in selection), “said Dr. Arry.

Quantity vs Quality
The decrease of applicant numbers was a result of the new policy in SNMPTN this year. According to Public Relations Coordinator of the National Working Group SNMPTN Dr. Bambang Herman, M.Sc., committee SNMPTN applied restrictions on the number of applicants at each school. These restrictions were tailored to each school accreditation.

The policy are as follow: school with accreditation A has a maximum of 75% limit of applicants, school with accredition B a maximum of 50% limit of applicants, school with accreditation C has a maximum of 20% limit of applicants, and lower accreditation up to 10%. The applicants were incoming students the best ranking in school in semester three, four, and five.

“The purpose of this restriction is to obtain a better quality applicants,” said Dr. Bambang PR Unpad when interviewed via telephone.

Even with the decrease of applicants of SNMPTN this year, the pattern was a result of an effective policy. Thus, SNMPTN this year is expected to obtain a quality input. “It is expected that only the best students go through SNMPTN,” said the lecturer of Business Administration Faculty of Social Studies Program Unpad.

The number of applicants this year SNMPTN around 650,000 students. According to Dr. Bambang, other students can register through the Joint Selection Entrance State University (SBMPTN).

The submission of applicant data would first be validated by Unpad before processing. Announcement of selection results can be accessed on May 10, 2016.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana dan Arief Maulana / eh

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