SPM Unpad Conducted Study Program Quality Improvement Activities

Wakil Rektor Unpad, Dr. Arry Bainus, saat memberi arahan pada kegiatan Peningkatan Mutu Program Studi di Lingkungan Unpad yang diselenggarakan oleh SPM Unpad di Bale Rucita Unpad Jatinangor, Rabu (16/03). *

[Unpad.ac.id, 16/03/2016] Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) Universitas Padjadjaran as the monitory board of university quality conducted quality improvement activities in Bale Rucita Jatinangor Campus, on Wednesday (16/03).

Wakil Rektor Unpad, Dr. Arry Bainus, saat memberi arahan pada kegiatan Peningkatan Mutu Program Studi di Lingkungan Unpad yang diselenggarakan oleh SPM Unpad di Bale Rucita Unpad Jatinangor, Rabu (16/03). *
Vice Rector Unpad, Dr. Arry Bainus (kanan) and Head of SPM Unpad, Dr. Hj. Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita, MSi (second from right), during the opening of Study Program Quality Improvement Activities in Unpad at Bale Rucita Unpad Jatinangor, Wednesday (16/03).*

The event was opened by Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A. In his speech Dr. Arry stated that Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) should be able to exceed the minimum or beyond SPM Internal Higher Education standards. Until now learning has always focused on the result, but it should have focused on the process, so there should be an evaluation of the process and the end result by SPM. In the future, Unpad would provide Character Building Unpad class in the first semester, containing materials of Unpad-ness, PIP, Respect, and its learning methodology.

This activity consists of three sessions. The first session featured Chairman of the Faculty Quality Assurance Unit, and the reviewers or the so-called Internal Assessor. This session consisted of briefing of the Review and Simulation Study Program Accreditation Program of Environmental Studies at the Universitas Padjadjaran. Internal assessors, in total 14 people, were tasked with mentoring function to 56 Program Study to prepare neatly archived Prodi portfolio.

“Problem is that Prodi data in Unpad were scattered in various units. Prodi data were not only located in Prodi. Prodi data could also be in the faculty or even in university. It is SPM function to combine these data. We also jointly explore the required data, of facts about Prodi activities and achievements. The data is sometimes were not documented properly and our job is to list and excavate these records to become a good track record for Prodi. Thus the quality and performance portfolio of Prodi could be neatly archived,” said the Head of SPM Universitas Padjadjaran Dr. Hj. Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita, M.Si.

(Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
(Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

The second session discussed the Forms Assistance Program for Prodi that will/have expired its accreditation. Prodi Chairpersons were in attendance, in particular Prodi whose accreditation would expire this year or the next, and those who need to improve its accreditation. Of 56 invited Prodi, 10 Prodi that had expired its accreditation, 10 Prodi whose accreditation would expire by the end of year, and 17 Prodi whose accreditation would expire next year, as and several Prodi whose accreditation shall be improved.

The third session discussed the agenda of Coordination for Unit Quality Assurance Policy in relation to Internal Quality Assurance System. This session would invite leaders at the university level and Adhoc team as a team that will propose legal umbrella of Quality Standards policy in the form of 34 standards, covering 24 specific standards to meet national standards and 10 standard developed by Unpad.

Dr. Funny added with this meeting, quality of Unpad as a top university is expected to be maintained and improved.*

Reported by Wati Sukmawati and Frassetyo Elhadi / art  

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