Prof. Boediono Presented Pancasila Value Based Economic Management Strategy

Prof. Dr. Boediono, B.Ec., M.Ec., saat memberikan kuliah umum “Keterkaitan Pengelolaan Ekonomi Berdasarkan Nilai-nilai Pancasila” di Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad Bandung, Kamis (10/03). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 10/03/2016] The values of Pancasila as Indonesia’s state ideology can be applied in all activities of the state, including the practice of economic management. It is expected these values can realize economic management activities Indonesia in becoming activity with Pancasila values.

Prof. Dr. Boediono, B.Ec., M.Ec., saat memberikan kuliah umum “Keterkaitan Pengelolaan Ekonomi Berdasarkan Nilai-nilai Pancasila” di Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad Bandung, Kamis (10/03). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Prof. Dr. Boediono, B.Ec., M.Ec., during public lecture of “Relations of Economic Management Based on Pancasila Values” at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad Bandung, Thursday (10/03). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

“Economic that Pancasila demanded is a tough and resilient national economy, becoming main player and gaining recognition in the international arena, and is run by a manager who uphold moral values based on the broad participation of the people to achieve prosperity,” stated Prof. Dr. Boediono, B.Ec., M.Ec., the Vice President of the 2009-2014 period in a public lecture at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Thursday (10/03).

The public lecture titled “Relations of Economic Management Based on Pancasila Values” was held by Student Executive Body (BEM) Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran. Also present during the event was Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad.

According to Prof. Boediono, five principles in the Pancasila should be interpreted in the management of the national economy. On implementation, the various values of the five principles should be determined by priority. The priority was realized through measures of operational strategy.

There were three strategies outlined by Prof. Boediono. First is balanced and integrated national economy structure strengthening. According to him, every province in Indonesia is an important element to strengthen the structure of the national economy. Each sector such as industry, agriculture, and services should be managed in a balanced and supportive of one another.

The second strategy is network infrastructure and integrated information strengthening. The relation of economic sectors in each region will occur if there is a good infrastructure. Infrastructure is also the media implementation of the national economic system that can be applied in every area.

“As an archipelago country, transportation is a fundamental element,” said Prof. Boediono.

humas unpad 2016_03_10 EOS 7D 08_40_220551humas unpad 2016_03_10 EOS 7D 08_50_450593The last strategy, according to Prof. Boediono, is food security and energy strengthening. Indonesia would be a weak state if food and energy security cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, Prof. Boediono encouraged the country to increase food productivity and energy.

Three of these strategies work well if there is a strong contribution between the state and its people. Prof. Boediono said the strategy should be implemented through appropriate operational measures.

“This strategy should not only be an abstract discourse,” said Prof. Boediono.

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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