Commemorating Earth Hour, Unpad Invited Campus to Contemplate Guarding Earth

[, 20/03/2016] In commemoration of Earth Hour 2016 in West Java province in 2016, Universitas Padjadjaran held “Contemplation Unpad Earth Hour” on Saturday (03/19). The event took place in Bale Aweuhan Mesjid Raya Universitas Padjadjaran, Campus Jatinangor.

logounpadThe series of activities at the event were, among others, enlightenment on planet Earth condition by Dean of Graduate School Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hendarmawan, M.Sc. The theme was New and Renewable Energy for the benefit of mankind. Prof Hendarmawan said that available energy on earth should provide peace and security for mankind.

“A lot of energy could be put to good use, especially in the area of West Java,” he said.

Prof. Hendarmawan added that if you see Unpad’s location, many forms of energy could be utilized. Guning Manglayang, close to campus of Universitas Padjadjaran, has geothermal potential that could be used as renewable energy to the surrounding community.

Commemorating Earth Hour was a form of energy saving and effort to turn earth for the better. “With the movement we can save a few kilowatts and channel them to be used by people who are more in need,” said Prof. Hendarmawan in the closing of his new renewable energy speech.

Precisely at 20.30, Universitas Padjadjaran cut off electricity as the action of Earth Hour 2016. A power outage was conducted for one hour.

Without light , the event continued a reflection delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Roni H. Kastaman, M.SIE. as the Trustees of Mesjid Raya Universitas Padjadjaran. Prof. Roni said that the existing energy sources could be used to reduce the waste of energy that has been used.

“If we save 20% of energy that we use every day, we would have saved as many as 200 million of energy,” said Prof. Roni.

Furthermore, Prof. Roni explained the effort for energy savings in the region Universitas Padjadjaran campus. Prof. Roni urged that student to be aware of energy savings, starting with the little things, aiming to save energy.

“Turn off unused electrical equipment, such as air conditioners, lights in the room of learning and using electricity as needed,” he added.

Earth Hour Unpad event was closed by a speech from Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad. In his speech, Rector expected global awareness of global saving not only in the celebrating Earth Hour, but also becoming the consciousness that existed in everyday life.

With the activity, Rector hoped it could provide ideas and inspiration, not only in statement of participation in global rescue and consciousness to preserve nature but also providing views and reminding others to save energy in attempt to save the earth.

“With this event we commemorate global agreement on how we care for this earth, then we must prepare to keep it lit up with our energy in the world and the hereafter,” said Rector Unpad during the closing the Earth Hour Unpad.

Reported by Agi Kurniasandi / eh

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