Regency Govt Gowa Sulawesi Selatan In Cooperation with Unpad To Develop HR

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dan Bupati Gowa, Adnan Purichta Ichsan Yasin Limpo, usai penandatanganan MoU di Ruang Rektor Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Rabu (30/03). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 30/03/2016] Regency government of Gowa South Sulawesi held cooperation with Universitas Padjadjaran in terms of human resources development. The cooperation was realized by signing a Memorandum of Understanding of Unpad with Gowa regency, in Rector Room, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Wednesday (30/03).

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dan Bupati Gowa, Adnan Purichta Ichsan Yasin Limpo, usai penandatanganan MoU di Ruang Rektor Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Rabu (30/03). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, and Regent of Gowa, Adnan Purichta Ichsan Yasin Limpo, MoU signing in Rector Room, Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Wednesday (30/03). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

The MoU signing was conducted by Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono and Regent of Gowa Adnan Purichta Ichsan Yasin Limpo. Chairman of Gowa Legislative Anzar Zainal Bate and officials of the district official Gowa attended the event. From Unpad Vice Rector for Research, Community Services, Cooperation, Innovation, and Enterprise Dr. Keri Lestari, M.Si., Director of Cooperation Unpad Parikesit, PhD., and Dean of Faculty of Psychology Dr. Hendriati Agustiani, M.Si.

Adnan said that improving the quality of human resources in the district. Gowa was aligned with program plan of “From Gowa For Indonesia”. The program is in the form of active contribution to society of Kab. Gowa to build Indonesia.

With this program, people of Kab. Gowa Indonesia was expected to build wherever they are. Therefore, Adnan asked Unpad to be organize character education in order to improve human resources quality in the Gowa district.

Character education, said Adnan, was expected to be a provision for people of the Gowa. Currently, his governemtn had a number of development plans in the district, including development of educational institutions.

“Hopefully, if moratorium on the establishment of the university is lifted, we wanted to establish a university faculty in Gowa tailored to our needs,” he explained.

Unpad was chosen as a partner of this cooperation because a variety of programs that have been run through Faculty of Psychology Unpad in the district Gowa. Dr. Hendriati revealed that the program has been implemented in Gowa is the development of faith and piety to Primary Schools. This program has been incorporated into the curriculum in grade 1 and 2 of Primary School.

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Dean of Faculty of Psychology Unpad, Dr. Hendriati Agustiani, M.Si. and Regent of Gowa (Photo by Tedi Yusup)


After the signing of the MoU, Dr. Hendriati explained that the government of Gowa District is well aware of character development importance. Therefore, curriculum applied for grade 1 and 2 are not only reading, writing, and arithmetic. The children were given education through the media game.

“Then the learning materials exist in the context of playing,” said Dr. Hendriati.

The program has been running for three years. Through this MoU, focus of development done Unpad was not only for primary school children, but for the society of Gowa. Dr. Hendriati said the cooperation program is expected to involve various disciplines at Universitas Padjadjaran.

In relation with this cooperation, Rector said that character development is a key importance of improving human resources quality in Gowa. Therefore, Rector asked Gowa to record challenges and problems faced in the region.

“So later the students are expected to directly address the problems in Gowa,” said Rector.

In regard to development of university, Rector would be coordinating with Universitas Hasanuddin, as state universities in South Sulawesi region to jointly promote the development of Higher Education.

“It would be good if it would be specific colleges tailored to their potentials. And it does not have to be PTN. If the area is capable for its specific needs, “said Rector.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh            

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