Two Students of Medicine Unpad Attended HISAS 13 at Hokkaido University Jepang

Dewi Puspasari dan Aryo Cahyo Byantoro saat menghadiri HISAS 13 di Hokkaido University Jepang, 5-6 Maret 2016 *

[, 30/03/2016] Three papers by students of Faculty of Medicine (FK) Unpad were selected to be presented at Hokkaido Indonesian Student Association Scientific Meeting (HISAS) 13, held at Hokkaido University in Japan on 5-6 March 2016. During the event held by Indonesian Student Association of Hokkaido, the selected 40 students from Indonesia presented their papers.

Dewi Puspasari dan Aryo Cahyo Byantoro saat menghadiri HISAS 13 di Hokkaido University Jepang, 5-6 Maret 2016 *
Dewi Puspasari and Aryo Cahyo Byantoro during HISAS 13 in Hokkaido University Jepang, 5-6 March 2016.*

“This is a scientific meeting, discussing global issues and finding solutions out of scientific research results,” said one of the students selected, Dewi Puspasari at in interview with PR Unpad at Jatinangor, Wednesday (30/03).

Dewi Unpad revealed that three works was selected after a series of selection along with hundreds of other works of students from Indonesia. During these activities, she presented a paper entitled “Assessment of Potential Diseases Caused by Chemical Content of Groundwater in Northern Jakarta, Indonesia”.

Besides Dewi, students of other faculties was Aryo Cahyo Byantoro presented a paper entitled “Inpatient Pneumonia in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, Indonesia “and Suhendra Praptama with paper entitled” 24-hour Proteinura Weakly Correlated with Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Lupus Nephritis Patients “. Suhendra could not attend the meeting so it was only Dewi and Aryo who went to Japan to represent Unpad.

In his research, Dewi along with two colleagues, Nunuy Nuraeni and Fikri Noor Azy analyzed data on quality of ground water in North Jakarta based on chemical properties, to be associated with diseases that may arise from the chemical content. According to her, hypertension, toxicity of chemicals, to nerve damage could be the disease caused by the content.

“There is a risk factor that can pollute water content, which if ingested or exposed to the skin could be dangerous or cause certain diseases,” said Dewi.

10649912_10205409765114831_2767137810933272949_nIn addition to paper presentations, Dewi and Arya also participated in a number of other activities in HISAS 13, such as seminars and learning trip. By participating, Dewi said that they received benefits even if it has not won the award in competition. Besides getting first experience of international presentations using English, Dewi was able to expand network and learn things, including Japanese culture.

“Obviously I’m happy, to experience, even if I did not win since this is the first time. It is a motivation for the next one to work harder to bring the name of Universitas Padjadjaran. In addition to self motivation, I can also make friends, “said Dewi.

After participating in these activities, Dewi also expected that more research from Indonesia have international standard and beneficial, especially for the people of Indonesia. ” Hopefully Indonesian students are more eager to for more work,” said Dewi. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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