[Unpad.ac.id, 2/02/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran is preparing to be the third generation university with its role as knowledge hub in the 21st century. This is based by the fact that university has become an instrument of economic development, in line with government’s perspective that considers universities as incubators of technology-based commercial activities.

Suasana Wisuda Gelombang II Tahun Akademik 2015/2016 di Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Selasa (2/02). Wisuda akan berlangsung pada 2-4 Februari 2016. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Graduation Ceremony Batch II Academic Year 2015/2016 at Graha Sanusi Unpad Hardjadinata. Jalan Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, on Tuesday (2/02). Graduation ceremony will take place from February 2-4, 2016. (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, mentioned on his speech during Graduation Ceremony Batch II Academic Year 2015/2016 at Graha Sanusi Unpad Hardjadinata. Jalan Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, on Tuesday (2/02). During the event, Unpad held ceremony for 2,113 graduates on a graduation ceremony held from 2-4 February 2016. The concept of third generation university was introduced by Prof. J.G. Wissema from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Council of Trustees (BoT), the Academic Senate, and the Council of Professors. Chairman of Unpad MWA who is also the Minister of Communication and Information, Drs. Rudiantara, MBA also attended.

In his speech titled ” Universitas Padjadjaran Transformation Towards Third Generation University”, Rector said that development strategy of the management of third-generation model of higher education was done as Unpad has been listed in Unpad Long Term Development Plan 2007-2025.

“Education is conducted to produce scientists, professionals, and entrepreneurs whom are educated scientifically, in cooperation with various parties, to develop transdisciplinary research, operate in setting and using international standards, and develop self-reliance and reduce dependence on financial aspects of government,” said Rector.

In realizing these, Universitas Padjadjaran prepared four perspectives, including: learning and growth, business process, stakeholders, and financial. The four perspectives are implemented in efforts to strengthen governance and the excellence of human resources, strengthening of Tridharma aspects integrated with Scientific Pattern Principal Padjadjaran, strengthening strategic partnerships, and strengthening more transparent, accountable and cost-effective financial management.

The strengthening process would not be established without full support of all parties. Therefore Rector hoped that alumni could play a positive role in society. “Give meaning to this graduation ceremony as a phase that would set off all the graduates to devote all the knowledge and skills acquired,” said Rector.

In the graduation procession, Rector appreciated best graduates from all degree courses. The best graduates of are:

  1. Best graduates of Doctoral Program Prodi, Zulkarnain from Program Study Agricultural Sciences;
  2. Best graduate of Magister Program, Since Ristiani Talan from Program Study Communication;
  3. Best graduate of Specialist Program, Rizki Hanriko from Program Study Pathology Anatomy;
  4. Best graduate of Profession Program, Rudi Nugraha from Program Study Ners;
  5. Best graduate of Bachelor Program, Vindy Margaretha Miguna from Program Study Medicine;
  6. Best graduate of Diploma Program, Syarif Abdul Manaf from Program Study Informatics Engineering;
  7. Oldest Graduate is M. Ulum A. Gani from Doctoral Program Geology Engineering at the age of 66 year 1 month 14 day;
  8. Youngest Graduate is Gety Innash Nandika from Program Study Medicine at the age of 19 year 4 month 8 day.*

Download Rector Speech during Graduation Ceremony Batch II Academic Year 2015/2016

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh

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