Prof. Chung Joon Kon: Asian Community Does Not Mean Abandoning The Country

Prof. Chung Joon Kon, Senior Researcher One Asia Foundation saat mengisi kuliah umum "Asian Community Lectures” di Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Rabu (24/02). (Foto oleh Dadan T.)*

[, 25/02/2016] The formation of Asian Community as a forum for countries in Asian continent unification must be done. It aimed to erase stigma of subjectivity for every country in the region on economic, social, and political matters.

Prof. Chung Joon Kon, Senior Researcher One Asia Foundation saat mengisi kuliah umum "Asian Community Lectures” di Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Rabu (24/02). (Foto oleh Dadan T.)*
Prof. Chung Joon Kon, Senior Researcher One Asia Foundation during public Lecture “Asian Community Lectures” at Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Wednesday (24/02). (Photo by Dadan T.)*

“We tend to subjectively assessing a country in Asia. Such views are detrimental to our view on others, “said Prof. Chung Joon Kon, Senior Researcher of One Foundation in a public lecture “Asian Community Lectures” at Bale Sawala Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Wednesday (24/02). The public lecture was held in cooperation of Universitas Padjadjaran and One Foundation.

Every country in Asia owns diverse culture, history, and social. Every country in the north, east, central, west, south, and southeast region has different geography, climate, and social aspect. Prof. Chung pointed out that those aspects were the reason we should not view causes the countries in the region one-sidedly.

Prof. Chung who has resided in Japan for a long time often gave lectures in various countries in Asia. By experiencing diversity in the countries he visited, he assumed views on a country are objective, by considering the past, present, and future aspects.

This is evident from the way people in one country viewing other countries in Asian region today. According to him, despite being one region, the people in the region sees themselves as separated. “We still view a country based on a convenient point of our country,” he added.

The Asian Community, Prof. Chung added, would become a place of mutual communication among countries in the Asian region.

“With Asian Community, we (all countries in the region) aspire by looking at the past and fixing what is happening now,” said Prof. Chung.

The formation of regional communities requires contributions from various parties, including academia. According to Prof. Chung, embodying Asian Community was not limited to imagination, but also must be realized through various intertwining ideas.

Objective change of view is the first effective step for such measure. Although considered effective, Prof. Chung still had concerns, several of them posed by students in various countries regarding the establishment of this community.

The concern is of the loss of Asian country territory when Asian Community is established. This statement was then contradicted by Prof. Chung.

“Establishing Asian Community does not equal rejecting or ignoring the state. It is to properly restore the role of the state and improve it,” he said.

The core intention was for every individual to live safely and in comfort. According to Prof. Chung, improving quality of human life cannot be done within stagnant conditions of the respected countries.

“In order to live comfortably, the country must change. Hence the role of the Asian Community, “said Prof. Chung.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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