Unpad Officials Leaders Participated in Technical Assistance of e-Office Application

Suasana Bimbingan Teknis Aplikasi e-Office di

[Unpad.ac.id,10/02/2016] In line with implementation of e-Office, officials of Universitas Padjadjaran and managers participated in the Technical Assistance of e-Office Application at the Computer Laboratory Faculty of Medicine Building C5, Jatinangor, Wednesday (10/02).

Suasana Bimbingan Teknis Aplikasi e-Office di
The Technical Assistance of e-Office Application and participants from officials leaders of Universitas Padjadjaran in Faculty of Medicine Jatinangor, Wednesday (10/02).

Participants participating in the event were Chairman and Secretary of the Academic Senate, Chairman and Secretary of Commission of the Academic Senate, Chairman and Secretary of Board of Professor, Vice-Rector, Director, Special Staff Rector, Dean and Vice Dean of the Faculty, Chief of Bureau, Head and Deputy Head of Quality Assurance Unit, Head and Deputy Head of Internal Audit Unit, Head and Secretary of Procurement Services Unit, Head of Unit, Head of International Office, Head of Research and Head of Central Lab.

The event by opened by Vice Rector for Governance and Resources, Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., M. Hum. In his speech, Dr. Sigid said that some units of Universitas Padjadjaran have already implemented e-Office very well. Since the implementation of e-Office, the use of paper in Unpad could also be reduced.

“I believe this is very good in order to support the Green Campus program, that we are no longer use paper and damage the environment, but instead we will support the sustainable development in relation to the environment,” said Dr. Sigid.

Implementation of e-Office is also expected to be fully implemented so that it will facilitate decision-making process. While Director of Governance and Public Communication, Dr. Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim, S. Sos., M.Sc. said that with the implementation of e-Office, the flow of information will run faster, and expected decision from leaders will also be done faster and better.

“The decision made itself certainly expected to bring good to the institution,” said Dr. Soni.

Meanwhile, Director of Technology and Information Systems, Drs. Gatot Riwi, M.Sc. revealed that this time his team continued to facilitate dissemination and technical guidance for each unit at Universitas Padjadjaran, including its faculties. In addition, the system will continue to be developed to further facilitate implementation of e-Office at Universitas Padjadjaran.

“Our hope is that this e-Office will accelerate and support university performance, especially at the level of the administration,” he said.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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