Because of Bidikmisi, This Truck Driver’s Daughter Achieved Unpad Bachelor of Geophysics

Willy Atika dan ayahnya (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 4/02/2016] With full eagerness and vigor to study in university, Willy Atika, a student of Program Study Geophysics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) Universitas Padjadjaran have graduated with Bachelor degree in only seven semesters. Tika, her nickname, graduated with grade point average (GPA) of 3.82.

Willy Atika dan ayahnya (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Willy Atika and her father Suwirman. (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

During her studies, she was a recipient of Bidikmisi scholarship. This daughter of Suwirman and Nurleli left her hometown Padang, West Sumatra, to study at Universitas Padjadjaran in 2012. Porgram Study Geophysics has been Tika’s choice because since school, she has always liked science classes.

“I chose Unpad because I know many successful alumni from my school went to Universitas Padjadjaran,” said this alumna of SMAN 1 Padang Panjang when she was interviewed by HR of Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung on Monday (1/02).

Before she was admitted through written SNMPTN, Tika was also accepted as a prospective student of Bidikmisi recipient. Being the recipient of Bidikmisi has been a joy for Tika, because then she was able to not burden her parents anymore.

“I learned about Bidikmisi from my seniors in high school, that Bidikmisi is a scholarship intended for academically capable students with financial difficulty,” she explained.

Her father worked as a interisland truck driver while her mother does not work. His father’s payment from driving truck is less than a million rupiah. This money is used to support the family and her two sister’s tuition.

Therefore she used the monthly sum of 600 thousand IDR from Bidikmisi program to pay for additional expenses. In addition, she also often sells cakes and tutors privately in order to get extra earning. This eldest of three siblings is also in charged to be teaching assistant and lab assistants for two labs in the department of Geophysics.

Tika’s academic ability is excellent. She does not find studying boring. It was Tika’s target since the beginning of her study at Universitas Padjadjaran to graduate timely. Even so, she was also active in Student Association of Geophysics organization.

Her grades on all subjects ranged between A and B. This achievement is also due to active role of both parents in monitoring her academic activities. At the each end of the semester, Tika always reported her grades to parents.

“Whenever I go home to Padang, I always print my grades for my parents,” said Tika.

Since she understands how hard working father is when he’s driving trucks, Tika is determined for achievement that she could share with both of her parents. She is also motivated to get another scholarship to continue her studies at Graduate program.

“Right now I want to find work so I can help my parents,” said Tika.

In the eyes of his father, Tika was a diligent kid. It was already apparent from the time Tika was still in high school. He also hopes for Tika to become the pride of the family. “Hopefully she can support her siblings and her families,” said Suwirman.

Currently, Tika is one of the graduates at Graduation Ceremony Batch II Unpad Academic Year of 2015/2016, 2-4 February at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung. She appreciated Bidikmisi program that has been very helpful in helping prospective students to be enrolled in university.

“Thank you, Bidikmisi. This program has been a constant motivation for me to be able to reach higher achievement,” she concluded.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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