Ami Andriani, Bidikmisi Alumna Who Wants To Contribute to Society

[, 2/02/2016] Since long ago, Ami Andriani’s has wanted their daughter to pursue higher education after finishing high school level. Ami also want to make her parents proud and pleased while pursuing further knowledge. Despite coming from family who cannot afford costly education, Ami tried to find a way so that she can pursue higher education in field of science that she was interested in, Statistics.

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Ami Andirani, recipient of Bidikimisi scholarship from the government, graduating from Statistika Unpad (Foto by Tedi Yusup)**

“I sought for financial help and there was Bidikmisi, “said the daughter of two siblings from Dada Suryana and Nendri, when she met Unpad Public Relations, Monday (1/02).

Ami is one of the recipient of Bidikmisi 2012. Although at that time her parents supported her to go to university, Ami did not want to overburden her parents. Ami’s father works as a construction worker and her mother as housewife; they have no steady income.

Ami who was born in Kuningan, 24 April 1994 was introduced into Bidikmis program from her high school teachers and during socialization at her school. She then sought for more information about Bidikmisi on the Internet before decided to choose Statistics Unpad as her first choice in SNMPTN. Ami was so happy when she passed the admission test in Unpad as Bidikmisi recipient.

“Bidikmisi has provided a great assistance, covering the tuition and living expenses. I am very grateful to Directorate General of Higher Education that had given me a scholarship in order to study here in the university, “said Ami

Ami graduated from Program Study Statistics of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, last January 2016. Her thesis’ title is “Forecasting Model Number of Electricity Customers Using Harvey Model”. Ami will attend the graduation ceremony on Graduation Batch II Academic Year 2015/2016 session V, Thursday (4/02).

Not only completing her higher education, Ami also was an outstanding student. Ami graduated with a GPA of 3.92, less than 4 years. She became the winner of the highest GPA in the Program Study Statistics Faculty of Science, Universitas Padjadjaran.

“I didn’t aim for high GPA actually but I has always wanted to graduated early. I want to work immediately and help my parents, “said the semifinalist of Data Analysis Competition (DAC) in 2014 and 2015, and Disaster Data Challenge (DDC) 2015.

Ami also expressed her parents’ pride over her accomplishments. “My father is especially proud, to have a daughter like me. After hearing my story, he was very happy, and gave me a hug, “she said.

In the future, in addition finding a job, Ami also wanted to continue her study to the graduate level. She also wants to give back to the society. Moreover, Ami as the recipient of Bidikmis feels like she needs to return the help to the community.

“I have been given the opportunity by the government. I am hoping to give back what I have received, “she hoped. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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