Prof. Yuddy Chrisnandi: Knowing Potentials of Natural and Human Resources, Indonesia Optimistically Welcomed MEA

Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & Reformasi Birokasi, Prof. Yuddy Chrisnandi, (kanan) saat memberikan kuliah perdana program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen Unpad di Gedung MM Unpad Bandung, Sabtu (9/01). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[, 10/01/2016] In entering the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Indonesia still faced various global challenges in all sectors. This competition era required us to be ready or Indonesia would only become the object of economic development scenarios for development of new markets by countries that had already prepared.

Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & Reformasi Birokasi, Prof. Yuddy Chrisnandi, (kanan) saat memberikan kuliah perdana program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen Unpad di Gedung MM Unpad Bandung, Sabtu (9/01). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Prof. Yuddy Chrisnandi, (right) delivering first inaugural lecture at Management Science doctoral program in Universitas Bandung at MM Building, Saturday (9/01). (Photo by Dadan T.) *

As stated by the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Prof. Dr. Yuddy Chrisnandi, ME., during his first inaugural lecture at Management Science doctoral program (DIM), Universitas Padjadjaran in the 4th Floor Hall Master of Management Unpad Building, Saturday (9/01). The lecture was attended by Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan as DIM Program Unpad new students, students of DIM, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Science in Accounting, as well as invitations from various institutions.

According to Prof. Yuddy, AEC was formed with the goal that countries in ASEAN region can survive in competitive advancement of economic cooperation of various communities in the world. It was designed so that countries in the ASEAN region can increase competitiveness in economic development aspect.

“The state that can survive is a country that has had a long-term vision to improve people’s welfare,” said this alumnus of Faculty of Economics and Business Unpad.

He was also optimistic that Indonesia is ready to face the AEC that has been applied since 31 December 2015. This confidence is based on the economic potential of large Indonesian communities as well as abundance of natural and human resources. “It is up to us to increase our capacity, of human resources, management of economic activities, as well as of efficient use of its natural resources,” said Prof. Yuddy.

Furthermore, Prof. Yuddy said, one strategy was to improve the preparedness of Indonesia reorientation of industrial development across the region. Comparative advantage of industrial development should be considered. Thus, the purpose of industrial development in Indonesia was no longer relied to financial gain.

This strategy was targeting adjustment of industrial development with the potential of each region in Indonesia. For example, if one region has the potential of agriculture, the planned construction should be based on improving that agricultural sector.

“Competitiveness needs to be strengthened. If we continue to persevere on the improvement of the sector, then we will have a surplus of the economy, “he explained.

In the presence of the Governor of West Java, Prof. Yuddy asked all 27 cities/counties to reassess the potential of their regions. Each region must have its own excellence without having new types of industries. Re-mapping is necessary, mainly by the government and university academics.

As for next academic role, according to Prof. Yuddy, we need to be able to provide inspiration for new economic development pattern that was truly based on increased competitiveness. Academics should be able to provide variety of data-related researches re development of Indonesia’s future plans. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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