Prof. Nurpilihan Bafdal Wins AFEO Honorary Fellow 2015

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurpilihan Bafdal, MSc dengan piagam penghargaan AFEO Honorary Fellow 2015 *

[, 14/01/2016] Lecturer of Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Engineering (FTIP), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurpilihan Bafdal, MSc was awarded ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) Honorary Fellow in 2015. She received the award during the Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO- 33) in November 2015 at the Hotel Equatorial Penang, Malaysia.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurpilihan Bafdal, MSc  dengan piagam penghargaan AFEO Honorary Fellow 2015 *
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurpilihan Bafdal, MSc with the certificate of AFEO Honorary Fellow 2015. (Foto by Tedi Yusup)*

“This award means extremely extraordinary for me. I can be paralell with young researchers and I be the best out of thousands. I don’t know why I was chosen. The judges have their own criteria making the selection out of my CV. I am very proud, “said Prof. Nurpilihan when met at her office, Wednesday (1/13).

The award was given to a number of recipients from 10 countries in ASEAN. From Indonesia, the award was given to five people from various institutions, after a number of selection processes, starting from selection by the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). Of 210 applicants, PII then recruited 10 participants to be submitted to AFEO. Of the 10 people, Prof. Nurpilihan was selected, along with 4 others, and awarded.

“Representing Indonesia, I was chosen by PII because I was active within the organization, “said Prof. Nurpilihan.

The selection was based on a completed personal data, including educational background, work experience, organizational experience, research activities, publication activities, and recent publications. Prof. Nurpilihan was also requested to include her advanced research abstracts, which had potential to receive Intellectual Property Rights. Her proposed study was titled “Model of Run Off Management Technology as An Alternative Integrated Water Resources for Agriculture in the Dry Land Farming”.

“After this award, I hope to be consistent with my achievement. I shall not slow down, continue write research. I want more of this, “she said.

In addition, she also wanted to invite other UNPAD teaching staffs, especially those who joined Soil and Water Engineering Laboratory to jointly perform better. “Hopefully, they could follow my example, especially the staffs of my lab,” said this Chairman of the Laboratory of Soil and Water FTIP Unpad.

During the section of AFEO Women Engineering in the event, Prof. Nurpilihan became one of the speakers representing the PII. She presented the results of the research entitled “Gender Graduate Profile in Indonesia (Report Country)”. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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