Dr. Sigid Suseno: Unpad Needs Reliable Human Resources

Wakil Rektor Rektor Bidang Tata Kelola dan Sumber Daya Unpad, Dr. Sigid Suseno, M.Hum (tengah) saat memberikan pengarahan kepada Calon Pegawai Unpad Non PNS di Unpad Kampus Dipati Ukur Bandung, Sabtu (16/01). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 16/01/2016] After administrative selection and going through three tests, prospective non civil-servant employees (PUNPNS) Unpad were briefed by Vice Rector for Governance and Resources Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Sigid Suseno, M.Hum in Room K3.1 and K3.4 Building 4 and Multipurpose Room 2 Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Saturday (16/01).

Wakil Rektor Rektor Bidang Tata Kelola dan Sumber Daya Unpad, Dr. Sigid Suseno, M.Hum (tengah) saat memberikan pengarahan kepada Calon Pegawai Unpad Non PNS di Unpad Kampus Dipati Ukur Bandung, Sabtu (16/01). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)* Vice Rector for Governance and Resources Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Sigid Suseno, M.Hum (tengah) during the briefing for prospective non civil-servant employees (PUNPNS) Unpad in Unpad Kampus Dipati Ukur Bandung, Sabtu (16/01). (Foto by Tedi Yusup)*

In his briefing, Dr. Sigid stated that the purpose of this PUPNS Candidate selection is to generate good human resources with capacity and competence. This selection is also in line with various challenges faced by Unpad as a Legal Entity State University.

One of the challenges was to be in the top 500 best university in the world and achieve target of program implementation by the Ministry of Technology and Higher Education. “We need reliable Human Resources,” he explained.

According to Dr. Sigid, there were some participants who failed to follow guidance of selection on Saturday. Some of the participants did not pass administrative selection because they have passed the committee’s age limitation.

“Participants who do not participate in this briefing would not be given another chance to become a part of in Unpad,” said Chief of Personnel Universitas Padjadjaran, Drs. Mintapraga, MM.

Based on administrative selection results and and three tests of psychology tests, English test, and knowledge of Unpad held on December 21, 2015, the selection committee classified candidates into four groups, namely groups A, B, C, and D.

Dr. Sigid explained that groups A and B had relatively good selection results. Prospective employees of group A and B would be directly considered in a trial period for one year before becoming PUNPNS with performance evaluations every four months.

While prospective employee selection in group C had sufficient marks and would undergo evaluation period of work for 8 months before trial period of PUNPNS. The prospective employee group D should undergo evaluation period working for 4 months to be able to join group C.

“For prospective employees of group D, within 4 months of good performance and capability, they could join group C and undergo reevaluation period for 8 months. Same with prospective employees in group C who had better result, they are able to rise to groups A and B, “explained Dr. Sigid.

However, it would also be possible to lower the class to if the performance of prospective employees was declining. Candidates will be supervised directly by head of unit and selection committee during the evaluation period.

Mintapraga said that there was several categories of employees during assessment of candidates in evaluation period: workplace behavior of, integrity, loyalty, discipline, as well as strong commitment.

“Although evaluation period has not been completed, we otherwise reserve the right to lower incapable candidates in group or even dismiss employee candidates directly,” he explained.

During the briefing, prospective employees also completed form of Technical Workers candidate for PUNPNS. Prospective employees were required to fill in areas of work in accordance with their respective expertise. This form will be a step in mapping and management of employees in Unpad.

Furthermore Mintapraga said that candidates were expected to fill out a form correctly according to their expertise. “This form will determine where candidates would be assigned during the period of evaluation,” he said.

Dr. Sigid also gave guarantees that this selection was not just a formality. Selection was also done not on the recommendation of the concerned unit leader.

“We made our selected purely out of results of the selection. Reccomendation could only determine whether the person in question is to work at Padjadjaran or not, “said Dr. Sigid.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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