Jatigede Dam Not To Thrive Downstream Area Yet Disregard Affected Communities

Suasana Lokakarya Nasional “Evaluasi Resettlement Orang Terkena Dampak (OTD) Waduk Jati Gede” di Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (21/12). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 21/12/2015] The Dam Jatigede construction should not only be interpreted as a way to support the welfare of downstream communities, but it also must pay attention to communities affected by it. Hopefully, this win-win solution will become reference in the development.

Suasana Lokakarya Nasional “Evaluasi Resettlement Orang Terkena Dampak (OTD) Waduk Jati Gede” di Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (21/12). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
National Workshop “Jatigede Dam Affected Communities Resettlement Evaluation” in Bale Sawala Rectorate Building Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (21/12). (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*

Professor of Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Maman Haeruman stated in the occasion of him as speakers in National Workshop “Jatigede Dam Affected Communities Resettlement Evaluation” in Bale Sawala Rectorate Building Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (21/12).

“Avoid zero sum game. Unlike playing poker when downstream communities become more prosperous, while the upstream become miserable instead, “said Prof. Maman.

According to Prof. Maman, dam building should be able to equalize prosperity, instead of causing inequality. “Thus if there were inequality, something must have been wrong,” he said.

Moreover, considering number of affected people in cultivate agricultural enterprises, the domination basis of agricultural enterprises should be strengthened. Currently, one problem that arises was resettlement efforts in different ecosystems: to change from farming in wet land into cattle raising in dry land.

“Upstream people with agricultural basis should be given the opportunity also to develop agriculture,” said Prof. Maman.

This event was held in cooperation with team of Academic Leaderships Grant (ALG) Jatigede UNPAD Sumedang District Government and Agency for Research Development and Application of Science and Technology (BP3IPTEK), West Java.

ALG Jatigede team leader, Professor of Anthropology Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Prof. Dr. Opan S. Suwartapradja, M.Si said that “resettlement” studied by the team referred to creation of business for affected people. In the study, more focus on the affected people who moved away, in the same village or outside the village in the same district.

He said that in Jatigede construction, technical issue no longer occurred as technical problem but also social problem. Farm workers losing their jobs, agricultural land lost, and outbreak of the community.

In research and community service for the next four years, the ultimate goal is to achieve revenue for affected people. The activities were identification of basic data, identification number and potential of affected people, holding socialization and training to improve affected people, and implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

The purpose of this workshop was to evaluate resettlement program of the population affected by Jatigede dam, and to synergize ALG Jatigede FISIP UNPAD resettlement program with Local Government and BP3IPTEK Sumedang district, West Java Province. The event was held until Tuesday (22/12), presenting a number of speakers from various institutions, including the Head of Development SAMSAT Jatigede Prof. Dr. Denny Juanda and Head of the Central River Region (BBWS) Cimanuk and Cisanggarung. *

Report by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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