Program Socialization for Faculty of Dentistry Dean Candidates

Calon Dekan FKG Unpad (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 16/12/2015] Four Dean candidates for Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) for the period of 2016-2021 presented their programs on Program Socialization in Unpad at Gedung 2 Hall FKG campus, Unpad Jatinangor, Tuesday (15/12).

Calon Dekan FKG Unpad (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Moderator (standing) with the Unpad FKG Dean Candidates (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*

This event was attended by Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, Vice Rector for Governance and Resources Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH, M. Hum., Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Arry Bainus, MA, academicians and education personnel of FKG Unpad.

The fourth candidates are Prof. Dr. Achmad S.Y. Mukawi, drg., M.S., Prof. Dr. Suhardjo Sitam, drg., Sp.RKG (K), Dr. Nina Djustiana, drg., Kes., And Dr. Winny Yohana, drg., Sp.KGA. This event was moderated by Prof. Sunardi Widyaputra, drg., M.S., PhD.

Nina Djustiana
Dr. Nina Djustiana, drg., M.Kes

Dr. Nina presented her five programs for FKG advancement. These programs are: improving learning and student quality to achieve superior education provision; strengthening research and community service; strengthening innovation; increasing resources to support revitalization of Scientific Principal Pattern in implementation of Tridharma, and; strengthening the institution.

Prof. Suharjo
Prof. Dr. Suhardjo Sitam, drg., Sp. RKG(K)

Prof. Suhardjo’s programs to improve FKG quality is by optimizing the interaction elements and sub-elements of Tridharma in higher education system; creating mechanisms of interaction of elements of Tridharma; developing education based on community problem analysis to effectively emphasize management planning function and efficiently organizing; and optimizing working institutions and professional organizations in order to develop the business.

Dr. Winny
Dr. Winny Yohana, drg., Sp.KGA

Dr. Winny presented her programs for FKG: to improve teaching quality and student achievement within the provision number of advanced education; to strengthen research as means to support Universitas Padjadjaran’s rank; and to increase resources to support the revitalization of Principal Scientific Pattern.

Prof. Dr. Achmad S.Y. Mukawi, drg., MS.,
Prof. Dr. Achmad S.Y. Mukawi, drg., MS.,

The programs presented by Prof. Ahmad were strengthening of human resources, empowerment of managerial, and asset optimization. These three components must entwine in synergy in order to improve education quality. By optimizing existing potentials, FKG could expect to be more supportive for the academicians, educators, and the community.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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