Program Socialization of Faculty of Social and Political Science Dean Candidates

Suasana sosialisasi gagasan Calon Dekan FISIP Unpad di Aula FISIP Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (14/12). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 14/12/2015] Three Dean Candidates for Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP) Universitas Padjadjaran for 2016-2021 period presented their programs in Program Socialization of Dean Candidates in FISIP Hall Unpad Jatinangor campus, Thursday (10/12). This event was attended by Rector of Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, Vice Rector for Governance and Resources Dr. Sigid Suseno, S.H., M.Hum., Dean, academicians and education personnels of FISIP Unpad.

Suasana sosialisasi gagasan Calon Dekan FISIP Unpad di Aula FISIP Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (14/12). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Dr. Rd. Achmad Buchari, SIP., MSi as moderator(far right) and three FISIP Dean Candidates in FISIP Hall Unpad Jatinangor, Monday (14/12). (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*)*

The Dean candidates were Dr. R. Widya Setiabudi S, S.IP., S.Si., M.T., M.Si (Han), Prof. Yanyan Mochamad Yani, MAIR., PhD., and Junardi Harahap, S.Sos., M.Si., PhD. The moderator for the event was Dr. Rd. Achmad Buchari, S.IP., M.Si., and it was officially opened by Dr. Sigid Suseno.

Dr. Widya Setiabudi
Dr. R. Widya Setiabudi S., S.IP., S.Si., MT., M.Si (Han)

Programs presented by Dr. Widya were that FISIP should excel in its number of study programs, number of applicants, accreditation “A”, number of young human resources, as well as program of competitiveness support. Therefore, these aspects should be fostered in order to improve FISIP quality.

Her program’s plan were to improve trans-disciplinary based learning quality, to improve research and student creativity program, to increase scientific publication, to strengthen participation of student affairs and alumni, to strengthen human resources component and facilities, and to strengthen collaboration with partners.

Prof. Yan
Prof. Yanyan Mochamad Yani, MAIR., PhD

Prof. Yanyan delivered his ideas in relation to FISIP plan in becoming regional class faculty. He proposed three major steps: to align performance targets with Unpad 2015-2019 program, to support achievement of IKK FISIP 2016-2021, and to become regional class faculty.

With these three steps, Prof. Yanyan expressed two work plans, namely, to organize regular activities of educational services (education and teaching improvemet, research and scientific publications, community service, student and alumni, as well as public services and domestic affairs); and to develop services (strengthening foundations and becoming regional class faculty).

Junardi Haharap
Junardi Haharap., S.Sos., M.Si., PhD

Meanwhile, Junardi, PhD., presented idea of “Saung” FISIP Unpad: Tough, Advanced, and Kind. The philosophy of “saung” (hut), according to Junardi, described openness, transparency, freedom, and perspective of Sundanese culture.

“This means that management of FISIP must be transparent, effective, accountable and efficient in management. There should be no insulation, “said Junardi

This “saung” concept would be applied in aspects of teaching (autonomy of science-based responsibility and creativity in Tridharma), entrepreneurial leadership, department’s block grants program to create excelled study programs, corporate culture leadership, human resource development to produce FISIP human resources, and program that were beneficial for the community.*

Report by Arief Maulana / eh

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