West Java Provincial Government Invited UNPAD to Develop Ciletuh Geopark Area

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (paling kanan) bersama sejumlah pihak yang terlibat dalam kerja sama pengembangan kawasan Geopark Ciletuh *

[Unpad.ac.id, 23/12/2015] ] In order to reach Geopark Ciletuh target area development become a world-class tourist destination Geopark in 2017, the Government of West Java Province involved University Padjadjaran, Center for Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA) Jabar Banten, PT. Bio Farma, and Sukabumi District Government to collaborate for the development of Ciletuh Geopark.

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (paling kanan) bersama sejumlah pihak yang terlibat dalam kerja sama pengembangan kawasan Geopark Ciletuh *
] In order to reach Geopark Ciletuh target area development become a world-class tourist destination Geopark in 2017, the Government of West Java Province involved University Padjadjaran, Center for Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA) Jabar Banten, PT. Bio Farma, and Sukabumi District Government to collaborate for the development of Ciletuh Geopark.

The MoU signing was conducted by West Java Governor H. Ahmad Heryawan with Rector Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, Head of West Java BBKSDA Sylvana Ratina, General Director of PT. Bio Farma Iskandar, and the Regent of Sukabumi Sukmawijaya, Tuesday (22/12) at Gedung Sate, Bandung.

Unpad Cooperation Director, Parikesit M.Sc., PhD., stated on Wednesday (23/12) that this collaboration was initiated by provincial government in order to strengthen structure of the development of Ciletuh Geopark. On the same day, this area has been established as a National Geopark Region.

To achieve the target of becoming a world-class regional geopark of UNESCO version, in the next two years, there will be some information components that must be completed by the government, in terms of geo-diversity conservation, bio-diversity, and cultural diversity. “Unpad is contributing to one of them in terms of research,” said Parikesit.
Furthermore Parikesit stated that the Ciletuh Geopark region itself has long been a research location for Unpad lecturers. Some of them were studies conducted ny Ir. Mega Fatimah Rosana, M.Sc., PhD., and Academic Leadership Grant team chaired by Prof. Dr. Ir. Erry Noviar Megantara, M.Sc., Ph.D. Unpad had planned a major research in Ciletuh Geopark turning it into Prime Research Universities (PUPT) chaired by Parikesit himself.

“Next year, we’ve been proposing PUPT matters to Higher Education Directorate. This research is to continue the overall go-diversity aspect, biodiveristy, as well its cultural diversity, “said this lecturer of Biology Faculty Unpad.

The potential of Geopark Ciletuh is said to be very unique. In terms of geology, the area spans a natural amphitheater with a radius of 52 kilometers and possessed diversity of ancient rock. In terms of bio-diversity, the region still has a variety of rare and endangered species. In terms of culture, Ciletuh is laden with Sundanese cultural aspects.
Parikesit’s research was to complete the required information data in a geopark, so that conservation, tourism, and sustainable development can be realized in this region.

“UNESCO has been pushing for development of Geopark Ciletuh area all the way to Pelabuhan Ratu in order to spread more extensive conservation program,” said Parikesit.

This study is expected to be completed within the next three years. “Development of Geopark Ciletuh area to become a recognized region by UNESCO’s will be one of Unpad contributions in advancement in West Java,” he said. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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