Temporary and Contract Employee Participating in Unpad Selection Non Civil Servants Employee

Tim pengawas sedang menjelaskan tata cara pengisian lembar jawaban kepada peserta seleksi Calon Pegawai Unpad Non PNS, Sabtu (19/12) di Kampus Fakultas Psikologi Unpad, Jatinangor (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 21/12/2015] 504 participants attended the Selection of non-civil servants employee at Universitas Padjadjaran campus, Saturday (19/12) and Sunday (20/12). Tests included Psychology, English Language Test, and Knowledge about Unpad sections.

Tim pengawas  sedang menjelaskan tata cara pengisian lembar jawaban kepada peserta seleksi Calon Pegawai Unpad Non PNS, Sabtu (19/12) di Kampus Fakultas Psikologi Unpad, Jatinangor (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)*
Supervisor team explained procedures for filling answer sheets to the participants of Selection Non civil servants Employee Unpad, Saturday (19/12) at the Faculty of Psychology Unpad, Jatinangor (Photo by Arief Maulana) *

Director of Human Resources, Universitas Padjadjaran, Diana Sari, SE, M.Mgt., Ph.D. stated that the participants were temporary and contracts employees in Unpad. “This selection is for internal scape, for current employees, which are already involved in Unpad activities. We will further open for external scape of selection,” said Diana during the event.

In conjunction with Unpad vision to become a world-class university, advanced human resources was a necessary support. Thus, HR Unpad with capability to support the internationalization of Padjadjaran University were currently being developed.

In addition to obtain capable human resources, this selection would also be a basis for human resources placement at Universitas Padjadjaran in accordance with their potential. “Based on the existing potential, the suitable candidate will be placed in its units and faculty in need,” said Diana.

Pengarahan dari Wakil Rektor Bidang Tata Kelola dan Sumber Daya, Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., MHum *
Briefing from Vice Chancellor for Governance and Resources, Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., M.Hum *

According to Diana, this activity was also in line with Unpad’s status change as a Legal Entity PTN, in which Unpad must show improvements in various aspects, including human resources. “In line with the State Board of Law, we should be able to perform, among other, HR governance. We want to settle everything into one comprehensive database, “she said.

Psychology and English test was held Saturday in Psychology Jatinangor campus, with test material from Faculty of Psychology and Faculty Advancement of Culture Universitas Padjadjaran teams. The knowledge into Padjadjaran test (SOTK and excellent service) was held at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social) Unpad, Jln. Bukit Dago Utara Bandung, with test material from FISIP Unpad team.

“We are employing existing team of the experts from Unpad,” said Diana.

In the future, in addition to external recruitment for non-civil UNPAD education personnel, there would also be a recruitment of lecturers. “Need-analysis should be held first in each faculty,” she said. *

Report by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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