Hana Bank Provides the Scholarship for 13 Students of Unpad

Perwakilan Bank Hana dan Unpad berfoto bersama para mahasiswa penerima beasiswa (Foto oleh: Kemahasiswaan Unpad)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 05/21/2014] A total of 13 students of Unpad received the scholarship from one of the Korean company, Hana Bank. The handover scholarship is done ​​by the Director of Finance of Hana Bank, Lee Hwa Soo, and the Director of Human Resources of Hana Bank, Efdinal Alamsyah, at Executive Lounge, 2nd building of Unpad Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung on Wednesday (14/5).

Perwakilan Bank Hana dan Unpad berfoto bersama para mahasiswa penerima beasiswa (Foto oleh: Kemahasiswaan Unpad)*
Hana Bank representative and Unpad photographed with the scholarship recipients. (photo by: Students of Unpad)*

In his speech, Lee Hwa Soo said that the scholarship program is a form of Hana Bank concern for education in Indonesia. “For me, the strength is the ability to share with others. This spirit is reflected through the CSR program titled ‘Hana Cares For Your Future‘ us to share with the students of Unpad for a better education in the future, “said Lee Hwa Soo.

On that occasion, the Head of Student Affairs of Unpad, Dadang Abdurahim SH., Who represented Unpad, thanked the Hana Bank for granting the scholarship. Meanwhile, Sahrul Hasan, from the Faculty of Arts, as the scholarship recipients, also expressed his gratitude to Hana Bank that has provided this scholarship.

“This scholarship is very helful for me and my parents to ease the cost of education. Like the motto, Let’s build our future, Hana Bank has built my future through this scholarship program, “said Sahrul.

Hana Bank’s scholarship program has been underway since 2007 and it is the result of cooperation with the KEB Foundation (a subsidiary of Hana Financial Group). This scholarship is awarded to 70 students in six universities, namely Universitas Indonesia, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Atmajaya, Univertitas Negeri Jakarta, and Akademi Bahasa Asing. Hana Bank provides scholarship of US$ 500 for each person. This is the commitment of Hana Bank to support and contribute to the development of education in Indonesia.

“The main criteria for scholarship recipients are students achiever, underprivileged students, or persons with disabilities. Registration for Hana Bank scholarship is open in November each year and the selection is done by each university, “said Efdinal.

In Unpad itself, this scholarship has been running since 2009. Initially, Hana Bank scholarship is only awarded to five students. However, from year to year, the amount is then increased until finally in 2014 the number of Unpad students who got the scholarship becomes 13 students.

The scholarship recipients from Unpad are Esra Aritonang (FH), Shadrina Fathimah Z (FMIPA), Arjuna Judeo Sipayung (Faperta), Sahrul Hasan (FIB), Cucu Saepudin (FIB), Muhammad Afif (FIB), Annisa Radhitia Arsad (FPsi ), Gina Supresyani (Fapet), Fauzy Eka Ferianto (Fapet), Anggun FriskaYohana Lumbantobing (FKep), Giovanni Gabriel S (FPIK), Pardamean Sitanggang (FTIP), Novi Anggraeni K (Pharmacy). *

Reported by: Marlia / er *


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