Unpad International Students Follow the Commemoration of 59 Years Asia-African Conference

Mahasiswa internasional Unpad saat mengikuti Parade Asian African Friendship Days (AAFD) di Kompleks Musem KAA Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, Kamis (17/04). (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 4/17/2014] In commemoration of 59 years of Asia-African Conference (KAA),  15 of Unpad  International students from various countries following the Asian African Friendship Days Parade (AAFD) at KAA Museum Complex, Merdeka Building, Bandung, Thursday (17/04). The delegation is coordinated by the staff from Pelaksana Teknis Unit (UPT), Unpad cooperation

Mahasiswa internasional Unpad saat mengikuti Parade Asian African Friendship Days (AAFD) di Kompleks Musem KAA Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, Kamis (17/04). (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)*

Unpad International students while following the Asian-African Friendship Days Parade (AAFD) at Museum Complex KAA , Merdeka Building, Bandung, Thursday (17/04). (Photo by: Arief Maulana) * 

From 8:00 am, the delegates arrived and joined the delegation of International students from other universities in the parking lot of Cikapundung Road East Bandung. Promptly at 9:00, the delegates followed the parade around the Museum Complex KAA, Merdeka Building. Some of them were dressed in the traditional dress of their home country.

Misaki Nishimura, the student exchange who studies Indonesian Language at Unpad is one of them. Wearing kimono, the traditional dress of Japan, she follows  the AAFD parade. “I  wear  kimono because I want to introduce the Japanese traditional dress to Bandung Society,” she said.

After following the parade, the delegates were invited to enter the Merdeka Building, the silent witness of the KAA. They are shown the history records of the KAA meeting on 18 to 24 April 1955. Through this conference, countries in Asia dan Afrika rise against Western colonialism and  created Non-Aligned Movement, an organization of countries who do not side with the West Block and East Block , in 1961.

Osman Diallo, Master student of Economics Unpad from Segenal says that the commemoration of KAA each year, should not focused on the parade or seeing the history records only. However, there should be an effort to revive the spirit of brotherhood in countries of Asia and Africa, the same as 59 years ago when the conference was held.

“Each year, this activity is only following the parade and then go home. I wish there was some kind of international student conference of the Asia-Africa to emulate on how the KAA was carried out, “he said.

AAFD parade is part of series activities from commemoration of 59 Years KAA. The event entitled ” Semangat Kemitraan dan Langkah Maju Kerja Sama Asia Afrika ” and was attended by the Vice Governor of West Java Deddy Mizwar, Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil, as well as representatives from 20 countries in Asia dan Afrika.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the parade, Head of Unit Cooperation Unpad, Anne Nurbaiti, PhD., held the meeting with the Ambassador of Turkey for  Indonesia, Zekeriya AkÇam. According to Anne, the meeting aims to discuss the assessment of cooperation between Unpad and the Government of Turkey, particularly in the field of education.

“Turkey through Ankara University will open the Turkish Cultural Center and Scholarships program. In addition, we will also explore the cooperation of Unpad  lecturers exchange with Ankara university,’’ said Anne.*

Reported by: Arief Maulana / er *

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