Chairul Tanjung, a figure with positive impacts

[, 11/12/2013] This year, Universitas Padjadjaran is awarding Doctor Honoris Causa (HC) to Indonesia’s prominent businessperson, Chairul Tanjung for his influence and service in Entrepreneurship.

Chairul Tanjung saat memberi kuliah umum di Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

Chairul Tanjung is giving a lecture at Bale Santika Unpad Jatinangor (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*

Unpad’s Secretary of Senate, Prof. Dr. Sutyastie Soemitro Remi, S.E., M.S. explained that the award is given to Tanjung for his entrepreneurship activities, ranging from starting new businesses to acquiring a number of near-collapsed companies to be improved including hypermarkets, travel agents, media, hotels, and so on.

His achievements have attracted members of Faculty of Economy and Business Unpad Senate to award him Doctor HC, and the proposal was then concluded by the faculty and university through a team of promoters headed by Prof. Remi with other members including Prof. Dr. Jusuf Anwar, S.H., M.H., (Faculty of Law), Prof. Deddy Mulyana, M.A., Ph.D., (Faculty of Communication), and Prof. Dr. Ilya Avianti, S.E., M.S., Ak., CPA.CA (Faculty of Economy and Business).

The team has done research to study his activities and come up with the findings showing that Tanjung was eligible for the award. They include the number of his employees which has reached 150,000 persons, and it implies that he is an “impact person” meaning that he has given positive influence to the community by giving job opportunities for many people. “This also shows his capacity as a leader,” she said.

Tanjung is also a prolific writer having written 38 papers presented in various forums. And this gave an idea that he will speak reading his paper titled “Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership for Accelerating Indonesia’s Progress.”

This year, on August, Tanjung has been awarded the same title by Universitas Airlangga for Economy; meanwhile, the award from Unpad focuses on Micro Economy. “This considers his innovative actions, entrepreneurship skills, and proven leadership,” said Prof. Remi.

The award ceremony will be held on Thursday (12/12) at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Bandung.


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