Unpad organizes governmental procurement training

Suasana Pelatihan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Pemerintah di Aula Dekanat FMIPA Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Senin (18/11). (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)* *

[Unpad.ac.id, 18/11/2013] Unpad through Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) organizes “Governmental Procurement Training,” on Monday (18/11) to Friday (22/11) at the Hall of FMIPA faculty building Unpad Jatinangor. There are 77 participants from administrative staff in Unpad joining the training.

Suasana Pelatihan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Pemerintah di Aula Dekanat FMIPA Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Senin (18/11). (Foto oleh: Arief Maulana)* *

Governmental Procurement Training at the Hall of FMIPA faculty building Unpad Jatinangor, Monday (18/11) (Photo by: Arief Maulana)

The head of the committee for the training, Gatot Riwi Setyanto, drs., M.Si., said that it is a regular agenda organized by the faculty, and this year is the fifth one since 2008. “The objective of this training is to meet the needs for procurement staff in every faculty. Currently the number of procurement staff members in Unpad is still low,” said he.

The limited number issue is coupled with the government decree that in the following year, Commitment Making Officials (PPK) will not be occupied by Vice Dean II but by a non-structural official.

Setyanto added that today there are a significant number of PPK officials who will be off office soon. An office extension is therefore needed after the regular 4-your period. Out of 77 participants, 16 of them are the ones who have received the extension.

The training consists of two events: procurement training and an examination for certificate of expertise in procurement. There are 57 participants taking part in in both, and 4 persons taking the exam only.

The training materials contains the development from the previous ones, which are based on Presidential Decree No. 70, 2012 on the Second Amendment of Presidential Decree, No. 54, 2010 on Governmental Procurement. The speakers are facilitators from Procurement Agency who possess experiences in procurement for universities in Indonesia.

Setyanto expressed his hope that the training will result in professional procurement officials and all the participants pass the examination.


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