Unpad graduates must fill out the tracer study form to obtain their diploma

Unpad graduates must fill out the tracer study form to obtain their diploma

[Unpad.ac.id, 5/11/2013] This academic year’s Batch I Graduation requires all the graduates to fill out the tracer study form as the requirement to get their diploma. The form can be completed via the page http://splashurl.com/mvju9e7 by logging in using their student number (NPM). It can be accessed this Tuesday (5/11) and is reserved from those who graduate in 2009-2013.


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This was confirmed by Vice Rector of Learning and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Engkus Kuswarno, M.S. before the graduating students at the Rehearsal of Batch I Graduation Academic Year 2013-2014 at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad Bandung on Monday (4/11).

This aims to obtain information about employment process and the position of the graduates at work. It is also to prepare the graduates with the necessary competence, to help government program in mapping and synchronizing the needs in the employment and working with the abilities gained from learning in university.

Head of Learning and Student Affairs Unit, Dr. H. Isis Ikhwansyah, S.H., M.H., C.N. said that the study is expected to detect where an Unpad graduate works, to build communication in the future in order to make a network with alumni, and also to realize skill market needs.

“Tracer study is also a part of accreditation evaluation for the institution. It shows us the average period of time for Unpad graduates to get their first job, and it helps the administration to improve curriculum in every faculty,” said Dr. Ikhwansyah.

Furthermore, Drs. Gatot Riwi Setyanto, M.Si., the Head of Unpad Career Development, explained that tracer study contains the personal data and working experiences of the graduates along with their assesment on the recent curriculum in the university. There are around 100 questions in multiple choice and short answer fashion to be filled. To introduce this policy, the unit has sent e-mails to the graduates as respondents. “It has been in national and international standard and approved by Dikti,” he added.

Setyanto also said that the tracer study would be analyzed regularly to recognize the alumni’s view on the curriculum and how it affects their working experiences. This will influence the improvement of Unpad’s curriculum in the future. “Every two years, it will be observed and analyzed based on the feedback from the alumni. Besides the alumni, companies as the stakeholder will also be surveyed and asked for their evaluation on the quality of Unpad graduates in their working place that includes loyalty and integrity, mastery of skills used in their job.”


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