Toward National Health Insurance 2014, Student Executive Board (BEM) of Unpad Faculty of Pharmacy holds a workshop discussion on the issue

Sosialisasi Sistem Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) 2014 di Bale Sawala Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Sabtu (23/11) lalu *

[, 28/11/2013] Student Executive Board (BEM) of Unpad Faculty of Pharmacy organized a workshop on “Dissemination of the National Health Insurance System 2014” on Saturday (11/23) at Bale Sawala, Jatinangor. The event aimed at disseminating more information on the National Health Insurance as well as improving professionalism of pharmacists as health practitioners ahead of National Health Insurance 2014 for the better health care service in Indonesia. JKN itself is a commencement of national health care system reform, which will begin in January 1, 2014.

The event was officially opened by the director of Production and Distribution of Pharmaceutical Service Ministry of Health, Dra. R. Dettie Yuliati, M.Sc., Apt. It was divided into three discussion sessions and a discussion forum with two different themes. The first discussion session was led by the chairman of Indonesian Pharmacist Association, Drs. M. Dani Pratomo, Apt., MM., exploring the theme of “The role of pharmacists ahead of National Health Insurance 2014,” in which he explained that a pharmacist is not only a drug dealer (in the very best sense of the term), but also a professional pharmacy service associate.

Pharmacists have an important role in health care industry, among which are reducing drug abuse and promoting rational use of antibiotics. However, the National Health Insurance 2014 policy does not mention the role of pharmacists as health practitioners, like doctors or nurses. Therefore, pharmacists should tolerate the policy by providing pharmaceutical services based on the regulation,” said Dani.

The second session of the discussion presented the head of Marketing and Membership of PT.ASKES, the fifth regional division of West Java, Heri Cecep Suhendar speaking on the theme of “Regulation and operation if the National Health Insurance in 2014″. He argued that pharmacist professional organizations should support the policy and contribute to its implementation. Pharmaceutical education and research institutes should as well get involved by providing research and financing effective drugs for degenerative diseases.

The last session was led by Drs. H. Ismiwanto Cahyo, MARS, according to whom the National Health Insurance could benefit us by reducing health care cost. “With the insurance, the cost and quality of health services can be controlled. Participation is mandatory for all citizens with prospective payment system, as well as the certainty of sustainable health care financing. comprehensive, and portability,” he said.

The event was continued by a forum discussion with two themes, namely “The Important Role of Pharmacists as Health Promoters and Health Provider” and “The Important Role of Pharmacists as Researchers”. The discussion document was then signed by the Chairman of IAI, along with two presenters from the discussion board.

This event is expected to raise the awareness about the role of pharmacist in carrying out National Health Insurance 2014 policy, as pharmacists hold an important role in improving healthcare service in Indonesia. *

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