Through Motekar, Unpad promotes innovation and commercialization

In the framework of the 56th anniversary, Unpad deploying Grace Motekar Unpad, an appreciation to those who have promoted as do innovation and social engineering contributing to the national development. This event is intended not only for the civitas Unpad, but for the people of Indonesia in General.

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“Unpad gathers those who come up with significant innovations, including in the field of social engineering,” said the Chairman of Motekar Award committee, Dr. Ir. Regina Hindersah, MP., during the interview Padjadjaran University, Rectorate Building, Jatinangor, on Monday (18/11).

He said there are a lot of innovations that have not been exposed. They are very useful, especially for the social welfare. To that end, Unpad wants to raise the innovators and make partners in the future.

“Not only do we want to present them with awards , but we also would like to facilitate them to promote and commercialize their innovations. The winner will have the opportunity to give a public lecture before the students of Unpad. Hopefully, they can become the driving force and motivation for the community, ‘he added.

This year, Unpad will hand out awards for technological innovation,  Creative Economy innovation, and Social Engineering. Technological innovation is innovation in all areas of life that can overcome some of the national problems and have the leverage to the welfare of society. While the Creative Economy Innovation is Innovation in the field of Advertising, Architecture, Art, Craft, Design, Fashion, Film, Music, Performing Arts, Publishing, Software, Toys and Games, Research, Television and Radio, and Video Games. Social engineering is the ongoing efforts made by individuals or a group of people to overcome  crucial issues in a responsible manner and are often accompanied by moral and material sacrifices to improve the quality of life.

For those interested in following the Motekar Award, 2013, registration is still open until Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Candidates are required to download and fill out the form on the page http / / and send back via email to or sekretariat.motekar @ More information can be read on the page http / /

All participants will be selected by judges from academic community, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Social Affairs. In addition to administrative selection, participants will also be interviewed and verified directly into the field, and his work will also be exhibited at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Padjadjaran University, Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, December 22 – 23, 2013.

To disseminate these activities, the committee has also disseminate this information to the various universities, research institutions, research networks, Science Service Community Forum and through the mass media. Specifically for community Padjadjaran University, the committee will disseminate these activities on Wednesday (20/11) at 14.30 pm at Bale Sawala, Rector Building, Jatinangor.

Still in the series of activities Motekar Award, 2013, Padjadjaran University in collaboration with the Alumni Association (IKA), Padjadjaran University and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia also held a variety of training, namely, Training and the Arts Graphic Design (21/11), Training Pop Sunda (21 / 11) and the Sunda Training Gloves (23/11)

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