Unpad introduces the quality evaluation for lecturer’s performance

[Unpad.ac.id, 11/10/2013] Unpad has been promoting the improvement of lecturer’s performance. This time, the introduction was organized for teaching staff at Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) and Faculty of Law (FH). The event was held on Friday (11/10) at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Bandung.

Vice Rector of Learning and Student Affairs Unpad, Prof. Engkus Kuswarno is speaking at the promotion of quality evaluation policy for lecturer’s performance at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)*

Mediated by the Head of Public Relations Unit Unpad, Bambang Hermanto, M.Si., every Vice Rector presented a number of policies on the quality of Unpad lecturer’s performance. This related to the new policies which had not been fully socialized in every faculty.

One of the emphasized aspects was Doctoral Degree for teaching staff. Vice Rector of Community Service and Cooperation, Dr. med. Setiawan said that there had been 571 lecturers with Doctoral Degree out of 1.799 teaching staff members. This number should be increased to improve the quality of the university. “For the research, the ratio of lecturers with Doctoral Degree and Master’s Degree is 1:2, and it should be targeted to 2:1,” said he.

The increase in the number of Doctorate lecturers is believed to contribute to the research activities. One challenge faced today is integrating research aspect with education, so that the laboratories in every department would be used to develop according to the human resources and substances. “This integration is expected to encourage Doctoral candidates to publish scientific writing before they graduate,” Dr. Setiawan added.

He also gave presentation on the publication of international journal by pointing out the importance of collaboration to improve the quality of researches. Unpad had been supporting the intense communication with foreign parties to develop joint research. “Out of all the scientific publications in Unpad, 80-90% of them is the result of collaboration; hence, communication is crucial,” he said.

Vice Rector of Learning and Student Affairs, Prof. Engkus Kuswarno spoke about the convention of grades by shifting interval number used so far to absolute number. He said, “It is planned to have the lecturer to only insert the full number to the system, and it would convert it to the score in alphabet. This will result in the cum laude awarding.”

Besides Dr. Setiawan and Prof. Kuswarno, Vice Rector of Planning, Information System, and Finance, Prof. Rina Insiastuti and Vice Rector of Human Resources, Facilities, and Management, Prof. Roni Kastaman were also present as speakers.

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