Prof. Ganjar Kurnia, “this award goes to everybody who has supported me”

Cendrawasih burung Papua
Bulunya indah tak terkirakan
terima kasih tiada terhingga
Atas anugrah yang diberikan

 [, 28/10/2013] The verse above was read by the rector of Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA., when delivering a speech on the conferral of the doctor honoris causa he received from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) on the 41st Council Konvokesyen in Selangor Malaysia, on Saturday (10/26).

Prof. Ganjar Kurnia receiving honorary doctorate from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on the 41st Majlis Konvokesyen in Selangor, Malaysia on Saturday (26/10). (Photo by: Bambang Herman) *

“It is such an honor and joy to be granted by one of the world’s highly reputable universities. What I received today is the result of support from various parties. I am just one part of it. Without support and cooperation, it is impossible to be granted this award,” expressed Prof. Ganjar gratefully.

As reported earlier, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia awarded Prof. Ganjar Kurnia for his dedication and commitment in education, primarily through a range of cooperation programs established between Unpad and UKM.

As the world citizens, it is our responsibility to help each other and go hand in hand for the benefit of civilization and humanity as a whole. Because of the cooperation, we learned a lot from UKM, among others we learned managing education, research, and community service,” concluded Prof. Ganjar. *



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