Get ready for the excitement, fun, and togetherness of Unpad 2013’s traditional sport games (Ootrad)

[, 28/10/2013] This upcoming Sunday (11/03), Unpad will again organize the 6th Traditional Sports Olympics (Ootrad) at Unpad campus, Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35. In this year’s Ootrad, there will be more games and art attractions. The participants of this event, which has been routinely held since 2008 as a part of Unpad Dies Natalis, will compete for the trophy of “Kujang Padjadjaran” as the ultimate award for the contingent collecting most medals.

According to the chairman of the event, Ronnie Permana, S.Pt., M.Si., there are approximately 14 events that will be held in this year’s Ootrad. The activities are the allegorical parade of Padjadjaran, Bandung Rengkenek, Tutunggulan/Nabeuh lisung, Galah Asin, Perepet Jengkol, Engrang, Archery, Sumplit, Sorodot Gaplok, Panggal (gasing), U-Camaintian, Sapta Lomba, Korfball Exhibition (basket ball), and Culinary Festival.

“This year’s Ootrad is expected to more noticeably come up with the Olympics and Sundanese theme than last year. To raise the Olympics theme, there will be more traditional sport games to be contested,” Ronnie said when he was met at Unpad rector, Jatinangor, Friday (25/10).

Ootrad is expected not only to help preserve Sundanese culture and traditions, but also to strengthen the relationship between the academic community of Universitas Padjadjaran since it will involve the students, teaching staff and academic staff members. Also, to enliven the event, Unpad also invites several contingents from its partners, such as from banks, local authorities and other universities in Bandung and its surroundings. In addition to lifting sportsmanship through competitions, we can also introduce various traditional games that are almost extinct to the younger generation.

Faculty of Pharmacy, as the winner of last year’s Ootrad, is determined to win “Kujang Padjadjaran” again this year. Daya Hermanto, the leader of the Faculty of Pharmacy team, who was met in Unpad Public Relations office on Monday (10/28), said that will do their best in this year’s Ootrad. Aside from that, it is such a pleasure for them to be able to participate in the 56th Anniversary of the university. “There are about 200 people who will be involved, ranging from students, lecturers and academic staff members. They are getting prepared for the event and ready to win,” Daya concluded.

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