Brata Kusuma Santoso achieves two titles at the Nusantara Batik Competition 2013

[, 10/10/2013] Brata Kusuma Santoso, a Faculty of Economy and Business Unpad student, placed in two categories at the Nusantara Batik Competition 2013 on October 2. He was named the Talented Male and Mister Congeniality at the event organized by the Association of Nusantara Batik Enthusiasts (IPBN) and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industry Republic of Indonesia.

Brata Kusuma Santoso is competing at the Nusantara Batik Competition 2013 s

Santoso, along with all other contestants, should pass a series of selections, from administrative selection, test on knowledge of batik, quarantine, to talent performance. On the talent performance, Santoso performed Cirebonian Mask Dance.

“Even though I had wardrobe malfunction problem, I still could give the best and place as the talented male contestant,” he recalled when being interviewed by PR Unpad.

He claimed that the initial purpose of him taking part in the competition was that he wanted to contribute in the preservation of batik as national pride. He believed that the concern to batik was supposed to be part of his life. “I want to be a role model and present batik in a way that can lead to the youth’s love of batik,” he said.

He also said that there was philosophical meaning behind every batik pattern which represented positive values and historical elements, seeing from various kinds of batik from many regions in Indonesia. He the showed his concern that batik with printing technique was a threat to batik with original method, which was painting it directly to the material by hand.

UNESCO’s recognition in 2009 is not only an award, but also a responsibility for the whole nation to preserve batik. Therefore, Santoso said, by winning the competition, he would have the channel to introduce batik to his fellow youngsters.

The purpose of the competition is to raise awareness and love from the young generation for batik as one of national assets, characters, and cultures. There were 500 contestants competing for titles in six categories.


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