FTG Unpad students place first at the Granite paper competition in Universitas Trisakti

[Unpad.ac.id, 31/10/2013] Faculty of Geology (FTG) Unpad team came as the first winner at paper competition in an event titled Geological Excursion, Implementation and Trisakti Expo (Granite) organized by the Universitas Trisakti Geology Students Association on Tuesday (22/10). The event included paper competition and geomodelling and was participated by teams from seven universities.


Fadhila Putra dan Mellinda Arisandy (second and third from the left) are accepting prize as the first winner at the paper competition, as part of Kompetisi Paper Geological Excursion, Implementation and Trisakti Expo (Granite)  in Universitas Trisakti Jakarta *

The winning team consists of Mellinda Arisandy (Class 2010) and Fadhila Putra (Class 2012). They won the competition with the research on tidal energy potential. In addition, the other team represented by Ahmad Syahri Fadhli (Class 2010) and Ronel Sinaga (Class 2010) came second.

The competition was proceeded by a field trip to a gold mining in Pongkor, West Java the next day. The event was closed with a closing ceremony and an announcement of the winners at Grand Central Bulungan, Jakarta on Thursday (24/10).

This is the second time that students from FTG Unpad winning at the event after last year’s sucess with the first and second winner titles at paper competition, and the second winner at geomodelling competition.


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