Unpad is ready to assist handling problems in Bandung


[Unpad.ac.id, 2/10/2013] Unpad Rector, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia received a visit from Bandung Major, Ridwan Kamil, Tuesday (02/10) at the Executive Lounge, Unpad Bandung. Vice Rectors, Deans, and officials of Unpad were also present accompanying Rector. Both leaders met to discuss the ideas to handle problems in Bandung.


Bandung Major, Ridwan Kamil, is having discussion with Unpad officials related to the current situation in Bandung. (Photo by: Tedi Yusup)

Kamil, the new elected Major, said that the regional government had recorded at least 3000 sub-problems in Bandung. “I am aware that it is impossible to improve the city without assistance from other parties,” said he analogizing the effectiveness of bureaucrat cooperation with other institutions with automotive speed.

He then offered triangular cooperation with Unpad and expecting mutuality between the government and the institution. “The cooperation includes helping each other in need, and Bandung can be an experiment laboratory for ideas and researches,” he explained.

Kamil believed that a city should consist of two aspects: function and identity. A city functions when the bureaucratic structure runs well, and cultural tradition makes a city identifiable. “I can start from the bureaucratic changes, and if this goes well, I am sure there will be gradual positive changes,” he said.

Rector then explained a few notes on the current condition in the city. He argued that the urban space management is the main issue. The erection of new buildings has caused further problems; one of which is traffic jam. “Today, there is an intersection every 20-30 meter directing to housing, and this is the cause of traffic problems,” said Rector.

For public space and cultural aspect, Unpad proposed its asset optimization. One of the assets includes an asset in Jl. Dago, No. 248 which can be used for public building for arts or other activities for Bandung citizens,” said Rector.


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