Two Unpad students join the 4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in the Philippines


[, 10/09/2013] Two students from Government Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Unpad had the opportunity to represent Unpad in the 4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium on August 1-7 in Manila, the Philippines. The event is a gathering of young leaders from all over the world discussing global humanity issues. Both students are Rinaldi Yudakusumah dan Andika Rizaldy Ramadhan.

Andika Rizaldy Ramadhan (left) and Rinaldi Yudakusumah (right) take a picture with the winner of CNN Heroes 2011, Robin Lim (middle). *

The event is organized by the Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom, an international social organization engaging in humanitarian issues initiating and supporting humanitarian aids and development programs in countries suffering from poverty and disasters. As many as 700 young leaders from 45 countries participated in the event.

The huge number of delegates made the event more interesting, plus prominent speakers, such as Bam Aquino (the Philippines’s youngest senator), Pushpa Basnet (CNN Heroes 2012), and Robin Lim (CNN Heroes 2011) also gave their speech. Robin Lim particularly has inspired the 20 delgates from Indonesia. She is an American woman who has devoted her life for more than 22 years to be a midwife for Balinese community that cannot afford to pay for delivery cost.

Her story has moved all the delegates for her contribution to a community. “As an Indonesian youngster, I believe it is the time for Indonesian youth to contribute for their surrounding community,” said Yudakusumah.

Release by: Unpad delegates for the 4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium/mar


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