Promoting International cooperation, Scotland universities delegation visit Universitas Padjadjaran

[, 18/09/2013] In order to improve international cooperation in education, in this case between Scotland and Indonesia, senior delegations from universities in Scotland conducted a visit to Indonesia, and Universitas Padjadjaran is one of the universities that became one of their destinations, along with other universities in Bandung.

The event entitled “Scottish Mission to Bandung” was held at the Executive Lounge of Unpad Rector’s building in Jatinangor on Wednesday (09/18) and was attended by 12 delegates from Scotland and 9 delegates from universities in Bandung. The event is organized by Unpad in cooperation with British Council and Scottish Development International

“We came to visit some universities in Indonesia to learn future education cooperation possibilities between Scotland and Indonesia,” said the Mission leader, Prof. Nigel Seaton.

On the occasion, Unpad rector, Prof. Kurnia ganjar revealed that the scope of higher education is becoming increasingly global so that the meeting between delegations from the two countries can be an important component in the process of internationalization.

Prof. Ganjar also revealed that a lot of things that can be discussed at this event, such as identifying what we have to offer and what kind of cooperation that can be gained. “I am confident that this time the participants will have the opportunity to establish personal connections and build relationships between institutions, so it can be developed into a long-term significant international collaboration,” he said.

The event was followed by one to one university introductory meeting, where both delegates from Scotland and Indonesia get engaged together in a round-table discussion.

Interviewed in between the the event, Head of Unit Cooperation Padjadjaran, Anne Nurbaity, Ph.D. said that there are various educational activities of cooperation between Padjadjaran do with the universities in Scotland this. Cooperation undertaken not only to engage students, but also faculty and academic staff.

Hopefully, this will foster international collaboration between Unpad and foreign universities, especially those from Scotland. We need to build and maintain a good relation with Scotland. Hopefully, this will help Unpad go international so that our university will be known worldwide s a good education institution,”

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