[Unpad.ac.id, 9/9/2013] Universitas Padjadjaran delegates had arrived at the National Student Science Week (Pimnas) XXVI 2013 in Universitas Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat on Monday (10/09) morning. Unpad Vice Rector of Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Engkus Kuswarno, M.S. bid farewell to the contingent including 34 students and several lecturers and academic staff members at the Rectorate Building, Unpad Jatinangor on Sunday (8/09) evening.

Unpad Vice Rector of Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Engkus Kuswarno, M.S. takes a picture together with Unpad delegates for Pimnas XXVI 2013 (photo by: Erman)*

“Do your best for Unpad. Do not forget to bring back knowledge to motivate your fellow students to get achievement in the future. You come with Unpad’s name, and keep the university’s good name,” said Prof. Kuswarno.

Head of Student Development and Alumni Relation Unit Unpad, Dr. Ir. Heryawan Kemal Mustafa, M.Sc. showed his hope that all the delegates can present their best. “After a series of trainings here, give your best there. You do not have to try too hard, just give what you have prepared,” said Dr. Mustafa.

Pimnas XXVI will be opened on Tuesday (10/9) tomorrow at the Rectorate of Universitas Mataram. There will be a technical meeting today for the participants and judges, and a parade in Mataram.


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